Flavoring Water: 6 Refreshing Recipes

The daily intake should be achieved with calorie-free drinks. Here you can find different ideas.

Flavor water: 6 refreshing recipes

Not everyone likes pure water, for many of us it tastes too bland, tasteless and boring. We are therefore introducing you to refreshing recipes that you  can use to flavor water .

Water is ideal to quench our thirst and to achieve the daily amount we drink in order to maintain all of our body functions and our health.

We have ideas for you how you can spice up the taste of water without adding unnecessary calories!

Why water

The human body of an adult consists of 65% water, the brain even more than 80%!

In order to maintain all body functions, our body always needs enough fluid. Preferably in the form of pure water. Make sure the water you drink is rich in minerals.

It pays to compare the labels in the supermarket with a little time. Take the water that has the highest mineral content. If you don’t like it, choose the one with the second highest mineral content.

In this way, while drinking, you supply your body with important minerals that it needs to keep its bodily functions upright!

Flavor the water and serve with ice cubes

How much should i drink

The rule of thumb for what water you need to consume every day is very simple: it should be around 40ml per kilo of body weight. So if you weigh 60kg, your personal amount of water you drink is 2.4 liters per day. At 70kg that would be 2.8 liters, at 80kg 3.2 liters and so on.

These values ​​increase if you do sports, sweat, travel in dry mountain air, with dry heating air or if you take dehydrating medication.

Make sure that the amount you drink each day is definitely calorie-free so that your hydration does not affect your hips!

A small calculation example: 2.5 liters of apple juice spritzer add up to 700 calories, which is almost more than a complete meal that you then simply drink as well.

As pure water, the calorie balance would be zero. Juice spritzers are not suitable, so pay attention to calorie-free hydration! That’s why we have 6 ideas for you on how to flavor water !

Flavor the water with lemon

Flavor the water with lemon

The classic par excellence, which is already flavored and available to buy without calories.

Artificial flavorings are suspected to trigger allergies and cause cancer, which is why you should better prepare your lemon drink yourself.

You need:

  • 1.5l water
  • 1 lemon (organic!)

Only the peel is used, so you should only use organically grown lemons!

Wash the lemon well. Then peel the lemon zest as thinly as possible or use a zester.

You can also peel off the peel with a potato peeler or, if necessary, rub it over a kitchen grater. Then mix the water and lemon zest, stir well and pour the wonderfully refreshing drink through a sieve into your glass!

Flavor the water with oranges

Orange water

What lemon water is in summer, orange water can be in winter – it smells wonderful! You need:

  • 1.5l water
  • 1 orange (organic!)
  • 1 cinnamon stick or
  • 3 cloves

Please only use oranges from certified organic cultivation! The preparation of the orange is the same as that of the lemon.

Finally, add the cinnamon stick or the cloves (or both) to flavor your water. In summer, of course, also without it!

Flavor the water with cucumber

Cucumber water

The tart, sour taste of the cucumber turns simple mineral water into a refreshing thirst quencher! You just need:

  • 1l of water
  • ¼ cucumber (organic)
  • Dill or fresh mint (to taste)

    Please only use cucumbers from controlled organic cultivation, as the peel of the cucumber provides the necessary bitter substances!

    Wash the cucumber and cut a quarter of it into fine slices. If you have a grater: all the better!

    Fill the fine cucumber slices (small cubes also work!) In a carafe or a jug, fill up with water and taste with a little dill or fresh mint (preferably frozen).

    It’s that easy to flavor water!

    Mint water

    Wonderfully refreshing in summer! You can get fresh mint in Arab grocery stores, in pots at florists or in health food stores. Alternatively, you can also use lemon balm. You need:

    • 1 bunch of fresh mint
    • Mineral water

    Hang the well-washed (!) Bunch of fresh twigs on the edge of a jug or carafe and fill up with mineral water.

    You can do this as often as you like, as long as you’re using cold water. If the taste subsides, squeeze the leaves with a spoon to allow the essential oil to escape.

    Flavor the water with ginger

    Ginger water

    Everyone knows ginger tea, but the cold version? That works too! Simply cut ginger into your water as you like, stir and enjoy the delicious and stimulating taste of the healthy root!

    Here, too, we recommend ginger from controlled organic or own cultivation, because ginger mostly comes from China and the cultivation conditions there are much more toxic than in this country …

    Flavor the water with apple

    Apple water

    This is a great way to keep using the apple peel that would otherwise be in the trash after peeling. Precondition of course: the peel comes from an organic apple!

    Simply add the apple peel (wash the apple well beforehand!) To your mineral water. Its light aroma brings a light fruit flavor with no sugar and no calories. Please really only use the bowl!

    As you can see, it’s very simple: You can flavor water with a wide variety of fruits or vegetables. Get creative and try different flavors!

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