Fight Varicose Veins And Spider Veins With Olive Oil And Garlic

In addition to using this home remedy every day, you should ensure a healthy, varied diet and sufficient exercise to treat varicose veins and spider veins.

Fight varicose veins and spider veins with olive oil and garlic

Varicose veins and spider veins are visible signs of circulatory disorders that usually occur in the legs.

They arise when veins and capillaries widen. This can be due to an inflammatory process, blood congestion, weak blood vessel walls, or poorly functioning venous valves.

Not only do varicose veins look unsightly, they can also lead to serious health problems. Women in particular are affected. However, this condition can also occur in men.

Varicose veins occur especially from the age of 50 or during pregnancy. However, due to various factors, they can cause discomfort even at a younger age.

There are several treatment options that can help strengthen the veins and improve blood flow. 
Today we are going to introduce you to a purely natural home remedy with which you can achieve good results without any undesirable side effects.
It is a natural moisturizer with olive oil and garlic. Both ingredients contain important nutrients that  help reduce inflammation and increase blood flow. Would you like to know how this home remedy is made?

Treatment with olive oil and garlic against varicose and spider veins

Varicose veins and broom riders

The combination of olive oil and garlic results in an oily cream that, with a little lemon juice, is excellent against varicose veins and spider veins.

This mixture has a strong anti-inflammatory, strengthening and firming effect  In addition, it helps regulate blood flow and reduces dilated veins. The home remedy also has a calming effect and  reduces tension and pain that can arise from varicose veins. 

This home remedy is applied through a gentle massage, which additionally activates the blood circulation and the lymphatic system. This  also eliminates harmful substances and improves the oxygen supply to the cells. 

While it’s not a magic bullet, you can get good results with regular use. And remember, proper diet and healthy lifestyle habits are extremely important.

You should start treatment as early as possible. It is recommended to use it with the first spider veins so that the problem does not worsen.

Note, however, that you won’t see any changes after the first application. Only through regular use can you achieve the results you want. 

How is this home remedy for varicose veins and spider veins made?

Olive oil against varicose veins

We recommend that you use the best quality products for this home remedy. Because cheap goods do not have the same health-promoting properties. Use extra virgin olive oil, and preferably fresh, organically grown garlic, to create an effective treatment.


  • 12 cloves of garlic
  • ½ cup of extra virgin olive oil (100 g)
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 1 glass vessel


  • Peel the garlic cloves and then cut them in half before pounding them with a mortar to form a paste. You can also use the garlic press for this.
  • Then put the garlic in the glass jar and add the olive oil and lemon juice.
  • Seal the jar tightly and store it in a dark, cool place overnight.
  • The next day, stir the mixture with a wooden spoon and finally remove the garlic through a sieve.


  • Rub this home remedy generously on the affected skin and massage in a circular motion.
  • Massage your legs with light finger pressure to stimulate blood circulation.
  • Then let the home remedy work for an hour. Then just rinse it off with cold water.
  • Repeat this treatment at least three times a week, preferably in the evening.

Don’t forget to get enough exercise and a healthy diet to  get the results you want !

With healthy habits, you can not only improve blood circulation, but also reduce weight and reduce inflammation – two factors that also affect leg health.

You can make the home remedy quickly and easily  without spending a lot. Just try it out for yourself and you will see that it is extremely helpful.

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