Fat Burner Soup For Weight Loss

You can eat this vegetable broth for a week whenever you are hungry. Then you can switch back to a balanced, healthy diet.

Fat burner soup for weight loss

This soup is excellent for those who want to lose weight. Fat burner soups have become very popular in recent years as they contain various ingredients that promote weight loss.

At the same time, they allow a healthy diet without having to follow restrictive diets that can negatively affect health.

This very effective soup helps in the elimination of harmful substances, acts against fluid retention and at the same time reduces the fat volume – this not only improves your figure, but also your health.

This fat burner soup should be taken for 7 days to allow weight loss. After that, a healthy diet is recommended to promote adequate weight.

How Does This Fat Burner Soup Help You Lose Weight?

In just a short time, you can use this soup to rid your body of harmful substances that have a negative impact on health and body weight. It is a vegetable soup. You can always eat them when you are hungry.

Lose weight with the fat burner soup

Ingredients for the fat burner soup:

  • 1/2 head of cabbage:  This vegetable is high in potassium, copper, calcium, and other mineral salts. Regular consumption can relieve constipation and improve the appearance of the skin. 100 g of cabbage contains only 40 calories.
  • 6 large onions: The onion is known for its powerful cleansing properties. This excretes pollutants that can harm the body. This versatile tuber contains water, sulfur, potassium and phosphorus. It is particularly recommended against fluid retention and elevated uric acid levels. 100 g of cooked onions provide only 20 calories.
  • 6 Tomatoes: These are known for their strong  antioxidant and dehydrating effects. They help to revitalize the organism and to excrete harmful substances and residues that can accumulate in the body. Tomatoes contain potassium, phosphorus and chlorine. 100 g provide only 19 calories.
  • 3 celery stalks: These also have a strong dehydrating effect and help to dispose of excess uric acid. They are rich in potassium and also contain chlorine, sulfur, copper, calcium and sodium. 100 g of celery contain only 19 calories. 
  • 2 green peppers not only taste delicious, they also contain valuable antioxidants and rich in vitamin C. Thanks to the fiber they contain, they ensure a pleasant feeling of fullness and prevent constipation. 100 g green peppers contain only 10 calories.
  • Salt or spices: If you use salt, Himalayan salt is recommended. However, it would be better to season the soup with various herbs such as oregano, turmeric, pepper, etc.

How is the fat burner soup prepared?

  • Prepare the required amount of soup for a day with the ingredients mentioned.
  • To do this, first wash all the vegetables thoroughly and then cut them into small cubes.
  • Then put the vegetables in a large saucepan with a lid and cook the soup over a medium or low temperature. Pay attention to the sufficient amount of water (twice as much water as vegetables)
  • Once the vegetables are soft, the soup can be consumed.
  • If there is anything left over, you can freeze the rest or eat it the next day.
  • You can eat the soup cold or hot and whenever you are hungry. 

How is the fat burner soup taken?

vegetable soup

As already mentioned, it is advisable to eat the soup for 7 consecutive days. This detoxifies the organism and you benefit from all the advantages.

In the first few days,  if you feel hungry, you can eat soup and drink water or natural fruit juices.

From the third to the seventh day  , other foods are incorporated into the diet. These provide the necessary proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats. 

These include the following: Grains, lean meats, and other fruits and vegetables that are not used in the soup.


This soup effectively supports weight loss, but in any case it must be done taking into account the recommendations given.

The diet is not allowed to be eaten for more than 7 days. Because  soup alone does not contain all of the essential nutrients your body needs.

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