Eye Diagnosis – What Do Our Eyes Tell?

If you notice the first wrinkles (crow’s feet) at a young age, this may be due to a liver problem.

Eye diagnosis - what do our eyes tell?

The state of health can not only be recognized by our feet and hands or on the face, an eye diagnosis also supposedly reveals a lot about the correct functioning of our organs.

The eyes are said to be closely related to our liver, but also to other parts of the body.

In the following we will explain to you the possible  meaning of some changes, colors and signs of the eyes according to the technique of eye diagnosis . You will also find out more about dark circles, eyelashes and wrinkles below.

Eye diagnosis: possible meanings of changes

When the eyes lose their natural glow

This fact supposedly tells us that our liver and kidneys are clogged  and that the blood is not flowing properly. Too much toxins in the body make blood flow and oxygen transport to the organs difficult.

As a result, the cells would not be supplied with enough nutrients. In addition, the blood needs more energy to get to the upper parts of the body (e.g. the head or the eyes). The eyes are said to be the first to suffer from this imbalance.

Yellowish dark circles

In many cases, we wake up in the morning with dark circles under our eyes. According to the eye diagnosis, they have different meanings depending on the color.

We should pay attention to these changes, especially if the dark circles are mostly yellowish. The yellow color always shows us that something is wrong with our liver or bladder.

In this case, these organs are overloaded.

Dark or black circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes

When the circles under the eyes are dark or even black, it supposedly means that the  kidneys, bladder, and reproductive organs are not working properly. Often a digestive problem is to blame.

Pale or gray circles under the eyes

A pale or gray tone in the circles under the eyes could also be associated with the kidneys and, in some cases, the lungs.

Again, these organs do not function properly because the kidneys are not performing proper drainage. In other cases, this color can also be attributed to a problem with the endocrine system.

Bags under the eyes

Eye bags

Bags under the eyes give a rather sad, exhausted impression. Therefore, some people can be surgically removed.

Bags under the eyes may show us that  our digestive organs or excretory organs are blocked.  In this way, the body cannot properly get rid of the toxins.

Sometimes we can see bags under the eyes in the morning if we ate too much or too late the night before. Sometimes they go away after a few hours.

The bags under the eyes help our body to cleanse itself. If they are chronic and if they are stored with fat instead of water, the problem can be more serious.

You should definitely get a checkup so the doctor can determine if an organ is inflamed or if there are cysts.

White shadow in the pupils

If there is a white shadow on the pupil, i.e. in the black circle in the center of the lens, then this could indicate mucus and particles that were not properly excreted or broken down.

This sign is very important because it helps us to take precautions against colds  caused by improper liver or digestive function. In some animals we can also see this white spot, it has the same meaning.

Reddened sclera

Reddened eyes

The sclera is the white dermis of the eye. Many people can observe that some of the veins in the sclera are reddened.

This is an indication of respiratory and circulatory problems. These signs can appear suddenly and disappear again, or they can be present for a long period of time.

Yellow spots on the sclera

Yellow spots may also appear on the sclera.

As mentioned earlier, the yellow color tells us that the liver and bladder are not working properly because there may be stones in them.

Enlarged pupils

The pupils adjust their size to the light that our eyes are exposed to. However, if we observe that our pupils are larger than normal (regardless of the light), this is often due to stress or parasites in the intestine.

In the case of a parasite infestation, symptoms such as itching at the tip of the nose, digestive problems, changed appetite and anxiety disorders etc.

Pupil and brown iris

Crow’s feet

Crow’s feet or wrinkles appear on the outside of the eyes, showing us that the liver is out of balance.

If these crow’s feet appear at a young age, it is appropriate to take extra care of the liver.

Pictures by Mikleman and Per Jensen

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