Environmental Protection At Home: 10 Tips

Is environmental protection important to you and you want to save our planet? Change your habits and help protect the environment with little things you can do from home.

Environmental protection at home: 10 tips

Environmental protection at home is not impossible! We just have to change our habits and reuse or recycle things to protect the wealth of our planet.

In recent years the green movement has gained in influence and environmental protection has become a must, so that more and more people are concerned about the continued existence of our planet. And that is also necessary! If we don’t protect the environment, who will?

Below is some simple advice on how you can make your own small contribution to protecting the environment. You will see that it is possible to protect the environment from home; for this you just have to be aware of certain things.

Environmental protection at home – how does it work?

1. Don’t waste water

Environmental protection shower save water

Water is a scarce and valuable commodity, so we have to use it carefully. This works best when we stop wasting it. And it’s easy to do by observing the following:

  • Only shower up to 10 minutes instead of taking a full bath.
  • Reuse rainwater: You can collect the rainwater in buckets or rain barrels and later use it to water your vegetable garden, for example.
  • Do not run the water while you are brushing your teeth or while you are washing the dishes.
  • Better still: scrape off the leftover food and clean the dishes with a damp sponge and a drop of washing-up liquid, then put them all in the sink. In the end, you can rinse everything off at once and use less water. Another option is to fill the sink with water and rinse everything in it. Either way, you’ll be using less water than washing everything off under the tap.
  • Fix leaky faucets or toilet flushes.
  • Choose a dishwasher with energy class A ++ or A +++

2. Turn off the lights when you leave the room

We should be aware of what energy costs, and by this we mean not just the financial cost, but the pollution that comes with producing energy. That is why we advise you to always turn off the lights when you leave a room.

Another option that is becoming increasingly popular is to replace old lightbulbs with energy-saving lamps. This saves you money and protects the environment at the same time!

3. Buy local and seasonal vegetables

regional fruits and vegetables

When you buy vegetables that have been harvested in your region, you are helping to protect the environment. Why? Thats is quite easy. Long transport routes are no longer required for regional vegetables, which means that fewer trucks pollute the environment with their exhaust gases.

In addition, seasonal and regional vegetables are healthier and cheaper, and the small businesses in the area are supported at the same time.

4. Environmental protection at home: separate your garbage

Waste recycling is one of the best ways to save the environment and, if we’re honest, we have to admit that it doesn’t take a lot of time or work. The whole family is best to take care of it; so the children learn how to do it right away and can help us.

There are special waste bins for this purpose for separating waste, or you can use different bags or boxes. The important thing is that you separate the garbage so that the valuable materials can be reused.

5. Compost yourself

Compost compost heap

Do you have plants in the house or on the balcony? How about if you could fertilize them with your own compost? Composting is not difficult, you just need a suitable place for it and patience as well.

Below we briefly explain how to make a compost heap in a limited space:

For this you need:

  • a large flower pot half filled with soil
  • earth
  • Cardboard the same or slightly larger diameter as the flower pot
  • Vegetable waste

How do you make the compost?

  1. Place the flower pot on the balcony.
  2. Add your leftover food (e.g. peel of fruit and vegetables, leftover salad, core of apples … but no meat or dairy products)
  3. Cover the vegetable waste with a bit of soil and cover the flowerpot with the cardboard
  4. Shift every 3 to 4 days with a small scoop.
  5. Add water several times a week without over-soaking the soil.
  6. And now all you have to do is wait and see the vegetable waste turn into nutrient-rich compost that you can use to create your own little town garden or fertilize your plants.

6. Environmental protection at home: Create your own small city garden

Self-sufficiency is good for our planet. Have you ever thought what it would be like to grow your own vegetables at home? Not only would you save money, but you would also reduce the transport routes that the vegetables would otherwise have to travel from across the country (or even from another continent).

You might think that the effort is not worth it, but what is certain is that if we all had a small urban garden it would have a positive impact on the environment. In addition, fruits and vegetables taste so much better when they are freshly picked!

7. Adjust your room temperature

Environmental protection air conditioning

Avoid extreme temperature differences in your rooms: in winter you should not turn up the heating too much and in summer avoid room temperatures generated by the air conditioning that are too low. Energy consumption should always be reasonable, as we mentioned earlier. The environment and your wallet will thank you!

8. Protecting the environment at home: choose things that can be recycled

Try to avoid single-use products. Why use paper napkins when there are cloth napkins that can be washed and reused? Realize that making paper napkins requires trees to die.

You should also avoid disposable products such as plastic plates and cups, which we often use for children’s birthdays, etc., when it comes to tableware. The unchecked consumption of plastic is extremely harmful to the environment.

9. Recycling and upcycling

Candle light

Do you have empty glasses at home and you don’t know what to do with them? For example, you could create lamps from it. Do the cans collect with you? Then do handicrafts with your children and use the cans as pen holders. There are endless ways to recycle things and breathe new life into a wide variety of materials. Be creative!

10. Environmental protection at home: Develop a conscious shopping behavior

Buy organic products that don’t pollute the environment. Did you know that there are also environmentally friendly cleaning products? Instead of using toxic chemical products, use cleaning vinegar and other biodegradable substances. Or mix your own cleaning agent from natural ingredients!

Protecting the environment concerns us all. Nobody can and may not withdraw from responsibility here. Change your habits, see what you can do every day and join the green movement!

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