Drinks That Increase Blood Pressure

If you have high blood pressure, you should avoid these drinks. As a precaution, it is also advisable to at least reduce consumption to protect cardiovascular health. 

Drinks that increase blood pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) can become a serious health problem. If the blood pressure is not controlled, a variety of symptoms arise that can be dangerous. Certain drinks can also  increase blood pressure,  so caution is advised here.

Find out in today’s article which drinks you should better avoid in order to maintain your cardiovascular health.

Risk of high blood pressure

High blood pressure is particularly dangerous because it is a silent disease that does not cause symptoms in the initial phase, which can have serious consequences.

High blood pressure can severely affect the quality of life  and can also lead to a heart attack. It is a serious condition but it can be controlled with the right treatment.

In addition to medication, healthy living and eating habits are of paramount importance.

What are the complications of high blood pressure?

Damaged arteries

Woman with a headache refrains from drinks that increase blood pressure

Healthy arteries are flexible, resilient, and strong, but high blood pressure can cause changes.

The arteries can become narrowed and hardened as a result, and the hardening of  the arteries has further negative consequences for health.

Fats that are ingested through diet and get into the bloodstream are particularly deposited in the damaged areas of the arteries. This leads to a disturbed blood flow, which affects the blood flow in certain areas of the body (brain, legs, heart, kidneys …).


Damage to the arteries can result in a bulging of the arterial wall, which leads to an  aneurysm. 

When the blood vessel ruptures as a result, internal bleeding occurs and the life of the person is at risk.


Drinks that increase blood pressure and harm heart health

Heart health can be compromised when blood pressure rises because, as is well known, this organ pumps blood throughout the body.

However, if the blood cannot flow properly through the blood vessels, it  can result in chest pain, arrhythmias, or a heart attack. 

The brain can also be damaged as a result,  as it could lead to a temporary circulatory disorder.

These are just a few of the consequences of high blood pressure levels. It is therefore extremely important to check your blood pressure regularly.

Which drinks can raise blood pressure? 

Preventing high blood pressure is quite simple. Among other things, you should avoid certain drinks that increase blood pressure.

Isotonic drinks

Woman drinks isotonic drink that can increase blood pressure

Isotonic drinks are particularly popular during sports activities because they contain sodium, especially sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate, to regulate the fluid balance.

Sodium is harmful to people with high blood pressure,  so reduce consumption. It is therefore best to avoid isotonic drinks.

Energy drinks

Energy drinks are also not recommended if someone has high blood pressure.

Numerous studies show that this also increases blood pressure.

Engergy drinks contain taurine and caffeine. Researchers believe that these substances can lead to increased blood pressure and an increased heart rhythm.

Beverages that promise more energy contain taurine and caffeine in most cases. You should avoid it if you suffer from high blood pressure!

Remember that an  energy drink is about the same as two cups of coffee. However, energy drinks should not be confused with drinks for athletes that aim to regain strength after intensive training.

coffee and tea

Beverages that increase blood pressure: coffee

Coffee and tea should only be consumed in modest amounts when the blood pressure is low or too high.

Coffee is known to increase blood pressure, so  keep it in moderation!


Exactly why alcohol increases blood pressure has not yet been clearly established.

What is clear, however, is that  alcohol in the blood disrupts the oxygen supply to the heart. 

Since the oxygen supply is restricted, the heart has to pump harder so that all areas of the body can still be supplied with sufficient oxygen.

Many of the drinks mentioned are very popular and widely consumed. If you have high blood pressure, however, you should avoid it.

As a precaution, it is also worthwhile to at least limit the consumption of beverages that increase blood pressure. Protect your cardiovascular health by also adopting healthy lifestyle habits!

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