Diuretic Foods: 10 Healthy Tips

Carrots have numerous health-promoting properties. Among other things, they help to cleanse the organism and accelerate the metabolism.

Diuretic foods: 10 healthy tips

Diuretic drugs are used whenever the body has accumulated fluid. This is the case, for example, with diseases such as kidney stones, glaucoma and high blood pressure.

It is important to know that, in addition to the drugs available on the market, there are also diuretic foods that do not have any undesirable side effects.

Find out here how you diuretic foods against fluid retention can bet.

10 diuretic foods

1. The watermelon


Thanks to its high water content, the watermelon is a natural diuretic. It also contains lycopene and antioxidants that strengthen our bodies and prevent damage caused by free radicals.

Amino acids are also contained in this delicious fruit. These help us widen the veins and thus facilitate flow. The watermelon also works:

  • detoxifying
  • alkalizing
  • mineralizing

These properties enable healthy bowel function.

2. The tomato


Tomatoes are 90 percent water. They also contain a large amount of:

  • Antioxidants
  • Lycopene
  • Beta carotene,
  • Vitamin C and
  • selenium

All of these nutrients are very effective in preventing free radicals. Because these can destroy the vessel walls.

3. The cucumber


The cucumber contains a large amount of water. For this reason, it is also one of the naturally diuretic foods. 

Cucumbers also contain silicon and sulfur. These elements help the kidneys get rid of uric acid. In this way, an accumulation of liquid can also be avoided.

4. Blueberry juice

Blueberries for water retention

Blueberries are very effective in treating urinary infections. They are therefore also considered to be naturally diuretic foods. Blueberries also have an antibacterial effect and are excellent for our bladder.

5. The carrot

Carrots help with water retention

Carrots are one of the best diuretic vegetables. They also help with body detoxification.

At the same time they accelerate our metabolism. The vitamins, minerals and antioxidants contained in the carrot are an additional plus.

6. The eggplant


The eggplant’s high water content naturally helps us to improve our blood circulation. At the same time, the high content of flavonoids makes  the eggplant an efficient natural diuretic.

The best way to take advantage of the eggplant’s positive properties is to boil it first and then drink the water. This is also good for weight loss.

7. The artichoke

Artichokes are diuretic foods

Artichokes are known to improve kidney function. They contain flavonoids and caffeic acid, which together with the vitamins and minerals have an excellent diuretic effect.

8. The celery


The seeds of the celery naturally help detoxify our body. Note, however, that celery contains a large amount of sodium.

9. The grapes

Grapes are diuretic foods

Grapes provide us with an important amount of water and potassium. Thus, they are also an excellent natural diuretic.

Another advantage of grapes is that they are low in sodium. Because of this, they are ideal for helping us eliminate toxins in the urine.

10. Asparagus

Asparagus has a diuretic effect

Asparagus contains asparagine. This is an amino acid that gives this vegetable excellent diuretic properties. The asparagine also helps to relieve pain in osteoarthritis and rheumatism.

At the same time, it prevents fluid retention that can be caused by premenstrual syndrome.

Asparagus is also low in calories and contains a lot of fiber, which helps with the natural elimination of toxins from the intestines.

So, as you can see, there are numerous diuretic foods that can help you with water retention in your body. Enjoy the ones that you like best and then incorporate them into your eating plan.

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