Dental Care With Braces: 7 Useful Tips

With braces, dental care is a little more complicated and time-consuming. But the effort is worth it, because it can prevent dental problems that could ruin the entire orthodontic treatment. 

Dental care with braces: 7 useful tips

With braces, dental care is not as easy as it is usually the case. However, oral hygiene is particularly important during orthodontic treatment  so that it can be carried out successfully and without any subsequent problems (such as tooth decay, gingivitis, etc.).

If you want to correct the position of your teeth with the help of brackets or other types of braces , you also have to take enough time to guarantee adequate oral hygiene. This is especially the case when it comes to fixed appliances.

The keys to proper dental hygiene are quite simple. With a few tips and the right utensils,  you can prevent future problems and keep your teeth healthy despite braces. We have put together the seven most important measures for you.

1. Hygiene habits 

The most important measure is the right brushing of your teeth, which you will certainly get used to quickly despite braces. You should clean your teeth at least three times a day, but preferably half an hour after eating or after drinking sugary drinks.

In the evening before going to bed, teeth cleaning is particularly important. You should take a little more time at this point. Brush each tooth individually and gently on both sides and don’t forget the spaces between the teeth. Toothbrushing is the most important precaution against bacterial plaque.

Brushing teeth despite braces
Brushing your teeth is the most important oral hygiene habit. Braces wearers should definitely remove all leftovers after eating in order to guarantee proper hygiene.

2. The right utensils

Special interdental brushes enable the teeth to be cleaned between the wires. These have a ā€œVā€ shape, which makes it easier to clean brackets.

Many experts also recommend an electric toothbrush with a small brush head that you can use to brush your teeth around the brackets. Electric toothbrushes that not only vibrate but also rotate are best. There are also special tooth heads for braces. If the toothbrush has a pressure sensor, there is less risk of damaging the brackets.

3. The right toothpaste for dental care with braces 

Toothpastes with fluorine are generally recommended. These protect against tooth decay, but  should be gentle and not too abrasive. Otherwise they could damage the tooth enamel or the brackets.

If you have additional problems, such as halitosis or gingivitis, it is better to have  your dentist recommend a specific toothpaste for you. However, this is only an aid, the toothbrushing technique and frequency are particularly important.

4. Dental floss for braces

Floss is a must when you have brackets. Even if you try to clean your teeth thoroughly, food debris will always get stuck between the wires or teeth. This is why dental floss is important to complete the hygiene.

It is best to use waxed dental floss and gently pull it between the wires and the teeth from top to bottom.

Dental floss on braces
Dental floss is extremely important in removing food debris from between your teeth and the braces.

5. Tooth staining tablets for self-control with braces

Tooth staining tablets are very useful for bracket wearers to check themselves and identify those areas where cleaning is inadequate. Often one is unconsciously less thorough in certain places or completely forgets areas that are difficult to access.

With tooth staining tablets you can easily check for yourself where you can remove the plaque well and where you need to brush more thoroughly. This allows you to improve your brushing technique and dental hygiene is easier for you.

6. Mouthwash for braces

Mouthwash should also be used regularly if you have braces on. After brushing your teeth, you can use it to complete oral hygiene. This flushes out bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. 

There are specific mouthwashes for those who wear braces. These protect the tooth enamel and do not damage the braces. 

Mouthwash for braces
The mouth rinse is an excellent oral hygiene supplement to help flush out bacteria.

7. Oral irrigator

The oral irrigator also does a good job and complements dental hygiene. With brackets in particular, small bits of food can get caught in the wires and are hardly noticed.

These can easily be flushed out with the oral irrigator. This device is excellent for particularly thorough mouth cleaning. There are a wide variety of models in retail, it’s best to get advice from a specialist retailer.


Brace wearers must ensure particularly good oral hygiene. With the right toothbrush and other supplementary utensils such as dental floss and conditioner, you can clean your teeth thoroughly despite braces. Don’t forget that regular dental checkups are also of the utmost importance.

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