Cleansing The Armpits To Prevent Breast Cancer

There are many lymph nodes in the armpits that absorb those often harmful products that are used in this area, for example against unpleasant sweat odor.

Cleansing the armpits to prevent breast cancer

Prevention can save lives in the fight against cancer, so it cannot be taken seriously enough. Cleaning the  armpits is important.

In addition to regular check-ups, women can use certain habits to prevent breast cancer. For example, one of them is cleaning the armpits .

These data are based on a study published in the  Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry  .

In it, researchers examined breast tissue from 17 patients who had suffered from breast cancer and had undergone a mastectomy (mastectomy).

All women had used antiperspirants, which left aluminum residue in the outer breast tissue.

The study found that the levels of aluminum in tissues in the armpits were higher than in the central chest area.

It can therefore be concluded that these residues are due to deodorants that contain aluminum.

This study also found that the greater risk of a tumor in the upper, outer breast area is due to aluminum-containing antiperspirants.

These are supposed to promote the development of breast cancer,  so you should avoid these substances, which can help in responsible prevention against breast cancer.

Effects of aluminum on the skin


Aluminum acts like a neurotoxin in the organism. In various studies, the connection of this metal with various neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, could be established.

As mentioned earlier, the aluminum salts found in many deodorants have been linked to the incidence of breast cancer  in Western society.
That is why it is advisable to detoxify the armpits regularly.

Why are the consequences for the skin so negative?


The aluminum residues get into the breast tissue and the breast fluid, whereby these are, for example, much more stressed than the blood or breast milk.

In addition, deodorants also contain another harmful substance: triclosan.

A  study published in the journal  Chemical Research in Toxicology shows that this chemical stimulates the growth of malignant cancer cells and should therefore be avoided.

How can you prevent breast cancer by detoxifying your armpits?

Preventive armpit cleansing and detoxification can be vital. In this way  , it is possible to prevent pollutants from accumulating that can penetrate the organism  and pollute the tissue and the blood.

A good method is perspiration,  because sweating removes harmful substances from the body in a natural way.

In addition, it is also beneficial for the immune system and for the prevention of various diseases that can arise from a high level of pollution.

There is nothing like a relaxing bath and exercise! You can then use it to remove all pollutants.

Home recipe for cleaning the armpits


You can also promote the cleaning process in the armpits with the following simple home recipe. You can easily make this recipe yourself.


  • 1 tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar (10 ml)
  • 3 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 5 drops of coriander essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon of bentonite (10 g)


  • Mix the apple cider vinegar and bentonite in a glass bowl. Use wooden utensils for this, as metal can affect the properties of the clay.
  • Then add the essential oils and stir everything well until a cream is formed.


  • Apply a fine layer of this mixture to your armpits and let it sit for a few minutes.
  • Then just wash off. Repeat this treatment every day.

In addition, it is advisable to drink plenty of water, because this will help the body to excrete harmful substances.

The best precaution, however, is still to avoid harmful products containing aluminum or other chemicals. Choose purely natural products that do not harm your skin or your organism!

Natural deodorant recipe


You can make a natural deodorant yourself at home.


  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g)
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil (15 g)


  • Mix the two ingredients together until you get a smooth paste that you can apply to your armpits. This cream is non-sticky and very effective.

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