Cerebral Palsy, What Is It?

Cerebral palsy is a type of disability caused by a brain injury. Find out everything about this unfortunately incurable disease!

What is cerebral palsy?

The cerebral palsy is caused by a brain injury, and limits the activity of a person one because they both mobility and impaired posture. Scientists define paresis as a series of permanent movement disorders.

It usually occurs during the development of the fetus or in the first few years of life. It can also be accompanied by sensory or intellectual limitations. For this reason one speaks of a multiple disability.

It is estimated that one in 500 babies will have cerebral palsy . It is a very common and very incapacitating disease. This article will tell you what it is and what the most common types are.

What is cerebral palsy?

As mentioned earlier, cerebral palsy refers to a range of disorders that affect movement, balance, and posture. It usually occurs in the first few years of life as it most often occurs during pregnancy.

Cerebral palsy is often accompanied by other problems. For example, tasks like walking or writing are very complex. It also tends to coexist with intellectual disabilities and other illnesses. It all depends on the area and size of the brain injury.

It is a permanent disease that does not change over the course of life. This is because the brain injury is irreversible, and so is the neurological damage. Since most cases appear before the age of three, symptoms are visible early on.

Cerebral palsy


Cerebral palsy usually makes itself felt because the baby has trouble sitting, crawling, and even smiling. Depending on the type of paresis, muscle tension changes in different ways.

In addition to movement disorders, it can also lead to hearing problems or difficulties in perceiving tactile sensations (agnosia). In addition, coordination problems, attention deficit disorders or dyskinesia sometimes occur.

Types of cerebral palsy

There are several types of cerebral palsy with the following main characteristics:

  • Spastic paresis. People who suffer from it have great problems controlling muscles, which tend to weaken. It usually affects the arms and legs.
  • Dyskinetic cerebral palsy. Unintentional and slow movements. With fatigue and strong emotions, it gets worse, but when you sleep, the situation improves. People with this type of paralysis have difficult language to understand.
  • Ataxia. In this case, the cerebellum, which controls balance, is affected.
  • Mixed cerebral palsy. It is due to lesions in different structures so there is a combination of symptoms.

On the other hand , the paresis can also be classified according to the affected areas. In this way you can find:

  • Hemiplegia (only in one half of the body)
  • Paraplegia
  • quadriplegia
  • Monoplegia

They are also classified according to their severity. For example, cerebral palsy can be easy, moderate, or severe.

Treatment of cerebral palsy

As already mentioned, it is a permanent and unfortunately incurable disease. However, thanks to certain treatments and benefits, a good quality of life can be achieved. These physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy work in conjunction.

There are various care centers in order to achieve the best possible treatment . These include day care centers, work centers, dormitories, assisted living accommodation, etc. All of the methods mentioned above are used there.

Certain causes of cerebral palsy have already been discovered that are preventable. This includes hitting the baby’s head, among other things . One should use safety measures such as helmets and appropriate car seats. It is also important to be vigilant at home.

Infantile cerebral palsy

Another related factor is maternal and fetal blood type intolerance. This can be recognized and prevented at the beginning of pregnancy. The mother should also be vaccinated against the rubella virus, because there could be a connection here too.


Ideally, you should make a pregnancy as healthy as possible. Any risky habit, such as tobacco or alcohol, can harm the fetus. In addition , all relevant tests must be carried out during pregnancy. If there are any problems, it is important to see a doctor.

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