Building Smoothie Made From Beetroot, Carrot And Apple

The folic acid contained in beetroot and carrot helps against depression. Regular consumption increases fertility in men and women and prevents colorectal cancer.

Building smoothie made from beetroot, carrot and apple

This restorative smoothie made from beetroot, carrots and apples contains many important nutrients and vitamins. That’s why we’re introducing this drink to you today and explaining how you can easily prepare this delicious drink for yourself or your family and friends.

Drink yourself healthy with this delicious drink!

This drink is ideal for breakfast because the nutrients it contains provide us with energy and vitality for the whole day. The smoothie is also stomach-friendly and also stimulates digestion.

Nutrients contained in the smoothie

In the following we will introduce you to the basic nutrients that you will find in a glass of this smoothie:

  • Carbohydrates:  The three ingredients of this drink (beetroot, carrots and apples) contain a small amount of sugar and are also a valuable source of energy. That is why this delicious drink is especially recommended in the morning.
  • Vitamin A . Carrots contain a large amount of vitamin A. You know for sure that this vitamin strengthens our eyesight and stimulates the immune system .
  • Vitamin B6 . Beets are rich in vitamin B6. This vitamin is very important for our metabolism and also helps in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
  • Vitamin B9 . This vitamin is also called folic acid, and we find it in carrots and in large quantities in beetroot. Folic acid is also recommended for depression. It is also good for preventing colon cancer and promoting fertility in both women and men. Folic acid is important for everyone because cancer cells can develop better without it.
  • vitamin C . Most of the vitamin C is found in carrots, followed by apples and beets. Even modest amounts of vitamin C strengthen our immune system. This vitamin is also an excellent antioxidant and prevents vascular diseases and cancer.
  • Fiber . The fiber, found in all three of the drink’s ingredients, helps us digest.



  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 medium beetroot
  • one medium-sized carrot
  • 1 medium apple
  • 4th  Ice cubes


Wash the carrot, beetroot and apple well. Then cut into small pieces that can be easily processed further. Then puree all the ingredients with a stand mixer.

Enjoy this delicious smoothie more often, your health will thank you!

Images from luxomedia.

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