Beetroot To Protect The Liver And Cleanse The Blood

Beetroot contains vitamins A, B and C and provides us with soluble fibers that help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Beetroot also contains insoluble fiber that aids digestion

Beetroot to protect the liver and cleanse the blood

Beetroot is more than a simple vegetable: the intensely red root contains a lot of antioxidants and vitamins that are beneficial to your health in a variety of ways. Among other things, it is ideal for  protecting the liver .

It is therefore advisable to give the beetroot a permanent place in your menu.

It contains a lot of fiber, protein and water and is a very energy-rich vegetable that can be helpful for various ailments.

Find out today what the red tuber can do to protect the liver and cleanse the blood.

Beetroot to protect the liver

Beetroot to protect the liver

Do you like beetroot? Do you enjoy their fresh, slightly earthy taste? Then you are exactly right here.

If you have problems with your liver, then these vegetables can become your closest ally in the fight against toxins in the liver or inflammation of this organ.

Beetroot can be found all over the world, in markets and in greengrocers.

Now for the interesting facts about beetroot.

1. A treasure trove of antioxidants

Beetroot is rich in beta-carotene, carotenoids and flavonoids, potent antioxidants that give this root its distinctive, intense color.

It is known that all foods high in antioxidants are very effective in helping to cleanse the liver. This is particularly relevant for people who suffer from fatty liver.

In 2012, an interesting clinical study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine , which showed that treatment with antioxidants can significantly improve the condition of patients with fatty liver disease.

The therapy led to a reduction in the proportion of fat in the liver and alleviated any accompanying symptoms of inflammation.

The effectiveness of the chosen treatment was due in particular to an antioxidant called betalain, which also prevents premature aging.

And if there is one vegetable that is high in antioxidants that we can safely consume on a regular basis, it is beetroot.

2. Stimulation of the metabolism and the excretion of fats


Beetroot is a great part of your diet if you want to lose weight.

It is high in energy, provides a lot of fiber and is therefore satiating. When we drink beetroot juice before eating, we supply our body with important nutrients and at the same time satisfy the cravings that make us overeat.

Incidentally, this also works in between and helps us to hold out until the next meal.

Beetroot also benefits your health in the following ways:

  • It works thanks to their high content of fiber purifies and therefore prevents the accumulation of toxins and water retention in the tissue before. At the same time, these ingredients support healthy digestion and help prevent constipation. All these effects relieve the liver, whose watchdog function is less stressed in the metabolism.
  • Beetroot is still able to boost our metabolism so that the liver and intestines can work more effectively.
  • This red vegetable supports the functioning of the lymphatic system. Toxins can be transported more easily to the appropriate excretory organs.

It is important to know that fatty liver, which experts call steatosis hepatis, is curable in most cases.

To do this, an appropriately adapted diet must be selected that contains only a few fats but large amounts of vitamins and minerals. We supply the latter to our body by consuming fresh fruit and vegetables. Beetroot can also help protect your liver!

3. Beetroot to cleanse the blood and keep the heart healthy

In ancient times, beetroot was used to “strengthen” the blood and was given to the weak or to those in recovery.

The reasons why beetroot was used for this can be summarized as follows:

  • Beetroot is high in potassium. This mineral helps regulate blood pressure.
  • The level of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) in the blood is lowered.
  • Beetroot is high in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, folic acid and vitamins A, B and C. A really excellent combination for strengthening your circulatory system and eliminating toxic substances.

And in what form do I take beetroot to protect the liver?

Beetroot and apple

In order to reap all the benefits of beetroot consumption, to protect our liver and purify our blood, the vegetables must be consumed raw.

This is possible in grated form, in a salad, for example, also in combination with other vegetables such as carrots. These are also grated and eaten raw.

Add a dash of olive oil and a little lemon and you have an ideal remedy.

Healing drink for the liver


  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • a medium-sized beetroot
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 medium apple


All ingredients must first be washed off well. Then we cut them into very small pieces so that they can be mashed well in the blender. Beetroot, carrot, and apple must be used raw to get the maximum benefit from this drink.

Now all ingredients are processed into a homogeneous juice in the mixer , which is then diluted with the water. It’s easier to drink that way. Adding a few ice cubes will make the juice even more refreshing.

And when do we drink this juice? Half an hour before the main meal of the day.

It is enough to drink this juice once a day for five days to cleanse the liver. Then you can take a 10-day break and start over. This drink is a real treasure trove of nutrients that are good for your health.

Do not miss it!

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