Avoid These 7 Foods In Case Of Acid Reflux

Find out in today’s article which foods are not recommended for acid reflux. In addition, don’t forget that you should also give up tobacco!

For acid reflux, avoid these 7 foods

Heartburn can be very uncomfortable, so precautionary measures are essential to prevent it from getting that far in the first place. If you have  acid  reflux, there are certain foods you should avoid and change your eating habits!

We have compiled a short list of foods that often trigger heartburn. While everyone reacts differently, it is best to avoid these foods to prevent discomfort. 

How does acid reflux occur?

Before we list different foods that should be avoided with  acid reflux  , let’s briefly explain what it is actually about.

One of the most common digestive complaints is when stomach acid leaks up the gullet (esophagus).

If this only happens occasionally, it is perfectly normal. With reflux disease, however, the amount of reflux is abnormally increased. This attacks the lining of the esophagus, causing inflammation and damage.

This usually occurs when the lower sphincter muscles, which are responsible for closing the esophagus after swallowing food, are dysfunctional. The esophageal sphincter no longer seals properly, and so it happens that the stomach acid gets into the esophagus.

Foods that cause acid reflux

1. Spicy food

Different types of spices in small bowls.

With acid reflux, avoid spicy foods as much as possible. Because these also stimulate acid production and could also trigger chronic gastritis.

  • Change your diet and avoid hot spices. Instead, use mild herbs to flavor your food.

2. Coffee leads to acid reflux

A cup of coffee and next to it are a lot of coffee beans.

Bad news for coffee lovers: In the case of acid reflux, it is advisable to avoid this aromatic hot beverage! 

  • Products containing caffeine stimulate acid production and can therefore lead to heartburn.
  • Replace coffee with green tea or other types of tea.

3. Alcoholic beverages

Two glasses filled with alcohol.

Alcoholic beverages relax the upper and lower esophageal sphincters, allowing stomach acid to escape.

  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, especially beer and red wine, with meals. Because this could lead to heartburn.
  • Ideally, you should reduce your alcohol consumption to no more than one beer or glass of wine a day.

4. Chocolate

Different types of chocolate that induce acid reflux.

A small amount of chocolate a day can provide your body with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. This will promote your health and improve your mood. Unfortunately, if you suffer from acid reflux, you will have to forego this sweet temptation.

  • The sphincter muscles also relax with chocolate, which increases heartburn.
  • In addition, the high concentrations of fats, caffeine and theobromine stimulate the production of stomach acid.

5. Fatty foods lead to acid reflux

An overturned bottle of oil.

Your body needs fats, which are very important for hormone synthesis and energy supply to the body , for example . However, you should avoid unhealthy fats such as butter, fatty meat or mayonnaise. This is because they could lead to heartburn, as it produces more acid and slows digestion.

  • Switch to healthy vegetable oils (coconut oil, olive oil, etc.).
  • Deliver mayonnaise at home with good quality oil. 
  • Replace butter with olive oil or other healthy oils.

6. Citrus fruits

Many different citrus fruits that can cause acid reflux.

Citrus fruits should also be avoided as they lower the pH of the stomach, which stimulates acid reflux. Switch to base-forming fruits, for example the local classics: apple and pear.

  • If you don’t want to go without orange juice, drink it after a healthy meal to reduce the effects of the acid in it.
  • Combine citrus fruits with vegetables.

7. Dairy products

Various milk products, such as cheese and milk.

Milk and dairy products are high in fat and calcium. This leads to more complex digestive processes than the herbal alternatives.

  • This doesn’t mean that you have to go without it altogether, but you should reduce the amount and consider the optimal time. This is usually in the morning, when your body needs nutrients and has time to slowly use them.
  • If you consume dairy products in the evening, you can suffer from heartburn while you sleep.

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