Almond Oil – Different Uses

Did you know that almond oil makes your hair shine? It also improves scalp health and works against dandruff.

Almond oil - various uses

Almond oil is made from the dried fruit of the almond tree. Cold-pressed, this is highly recommended for both health and beauty. This article will tell you what you can use this vegetable oil for. There are sure to be useful applications for you too.

Almond oil is made up of simple unsaturated fatty acids, oleic acid, and linoleic acid (like omega-3 and 6). It is almost transparent in color, with shades of yellow or gold. The oil is mild and sweet.

It can be used for massage or other topical treatments, but is not recommended for consumption as it can cause constipation.

What is almond oil good for?

As mentioned earlier, almond oil is usually applied topically. But there are exceptions, so you should get advice when buying and mention the purpose.

Almond oil has mainly cosmetic and aesthetic uses and also helps with problems such as neurodermatitis and acne. Many skin and hair beauty products contain almond oil.

Almond oil for the hair

During massages, the precious oil has a calming effect on the nerves and therefore helps with anxiety and stress. It is used for its emollient properties, especially for skin inflammation, dry skin, or herpes.

Almond oil also reduces itching, smoothes the skin and protects the mucous membranes. That is why it is also used to treat psoriasis and dermatitis: Here the oil relieves itching and pain and is effective against inflammation and irritation.

Other benefits of almond oil

It’s good for your hair

Almond oil works excellently against dry hair, as it gives instant shine and suppleness. It can also help with hair loss due to the oleic acids it contains.

The oil contains a large amount of vitamin E, which helps improve scalp health and is highly recommended for dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis.

To get the benefits, after bathing, you can put a few drops of almond oil in the palm of your hand and massage it into the ends of your hair or scalp. Another alternative is to use almond oil as a conditioner replacement: just leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse off with warm water.

It’s good for your skin

As already mentioned, almond oil is great for treating various skin diseases, especially dryness, eczema or acne, as it provides a lot of moisture to the skin.

It also improves blood flow to the vessels in the upper layer of the skin (when massaged in with circular motions). So you can keep your skin in perfect shape – smooth, soft, young and radiant. But that’s not all: the vitamin E it contains acts as an antioxidant and improves the complexion.

A perfect skin care mask consists of two tablespoons of almond oil, two tablespoons of soybean oil, one tablespoon of brewer’s yeast, three tablespoons of oatmeal and hot water.  Mix the first three ingredients and add the oatmeal until a paste is formed.

Stir in a little hot water and apply the mask to the face. After 30 minutes of action, remove with warm water.


It eliminates stretch marks

Many women have stretch marks that usually appear after pregnancy. Almond oil is a great home remedy in this case as it regenerates, moisturizes, and softens the skin.

In addition, this oil can significantly reduce wrinkles on the face or neck if it is used early (as soon as the first small wrinkles appear).

To increase its effectiveness, one tablespoon of almond oil can be mixed with a vitamin E capsule (available in health food stores) to cleanse the skin. Massage the oil into the skin using circular motions at least once a day.

Very effective against wrinkles is massaging a drop in the eye area, forehead and chin, ideally twice a day – in the morning and in the evening.

It can be used to treat acne

Almond oil can also help with acne, blackheads or oily skin. The oil refines the complexion on the face and also in the shoulder, back and chest area. You can make a mask with 30 ml of almond oil, egg yolks and an apple.

The preparation is simple: peel the apple, remove the stones and puree the pulp. Then you add the egg yolks and the almond oil. Mix everything well. This paste is applied to the face or other areas of skin.

After half an hour of action, you can rinse off the mask with warm water. Don’t forget to apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer (that won’t make the skin oily).

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