A Bikini Belly In Two Weeks?

We only have two adjusting screws on the stomach to shape it: fat mass and muscles. And the good thing: one thing determines the other!

A bikini belly in two weeks?

Not only on the Internet, but also in women’s magazines, one reads again and again that with this or that diet, gymnastics, special pants or cream you can achieve a bikini figure with a flat stomach within a very short time . What’s behind it?

Bikini figure: how can you lose weight on your stomach?

We only have two adjusting screws on the stomach to shape it: fat mass and muscles. And the good thing: one thing determines the other!

If you build up muscles in the abdomen, you burn calories with them, increase your basal metabolic rate through the additional muscle gain and thereby also reduce belly fat! But how?


Nutrition for a bikini belly

It is not possible to break down fat in a specific area of ​​the body and only get rid of the unloved fat deposits there.

If you want to get rid of your bacon belly, you can be sure that one or the other gram of fat is too much in other parts of the body – and that will also melt if you hit the bacon on your stomach.

The bacon on your stomach didn’t suddenly appear without you knowing the reason for it. An excess of body fat is always the symptom of an imbalance between input (nutrition) and output (actual calorie requirement).

So you have to make sure that input and output align. In order to lose weight, a negative relationship has to be established, i.e. more output than input.

The difficulty here is to still eat all the important nutrients, vitamins and minerals in order not to harm the body with malnutrition or malnutrition. The best thing to do is to seek nutritional advice. Not everyone is the same, not everyone has the same daily routine.

There is seldom any point in “working through” ready-made nutrition programs. The most sensible diet to lose weight is one that just remodels your favorite dishes in a healthy way so that they still taste good, but are much healthier.

With less fat, more fiber and more fresh ingredients. In this way you can easily replace your previous diet (which led to the belly of bacon) with the “new” diet.

Because you don’t cook according to diet plans and someone else’s recipes, but simply keep cooking what you have always eaten in a healthier way. That belongs in the hands of professionals, so get better advice!


Gymnastics for a bikini belly

Exercise increases the basal metabolic rate, i.e. the amount of calories you actually need to burn per day. However, this only works if you don’t lose muscle mass through exercise, but build it up!

Since the muscle mass is there to burn the fat, you should definitely preserve it, because it helps you to maintain the weight when you have reached your desired weight! So there’s no point in exercising if you don’t do it right. Get advice here too.

Nobody has to suddenly become a top athlete! If you cannot imagine doing sport on a regular basis in the interests of continuity, simply try to integrate more exercise into your everyday life by climbing stairs, cycling, walking and more!

It is important that you integrate the exercise into your life in the long term and not only do it for a few weeks at maximum performance! There are of course exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles in particular. You surely know them:

  • Torso flexion
  • Plank
  • Sit ups

Strengthened abdominal muscles alone do not make a nice belly if the fit muscles are hidden under a thick layer of flabby belly fat! Such exercises only help if they are supported by a sensible and muscle-healthy diet!


Posture for the bikini figure

Last but not least, correct posture is also responsible for how our stomach is perceived. We are not talking about “holding your breath” here, but rather a correct, long-term attitude.

A hollow back can, for example, also lead to very slim women that their (not at all fat) belly is more noticeable. You can easily watch in front of the mirror how easily a changed posture accentuates your stomach – or makes it visually disappear.

As a rule, you know when your own posture is not really beneficial. Now is the time to work on it! And that is only possible with muscle building, because the muscles are what keep our body upright.

Get advice from a specialist on which muscles you should specifically train to improve your posture!

And all in two weeks?

It depends. If you have a large bacon belt around your belly button, it is of course not possible to get rid of it “quickly” in just two weeks before your vacation.

But if it’s your posture, you can achieve a lot in just two weeks through daily training. If you combine gymnastics, proper nutrition and better posture, it is possible to see results after 2 weeks, even with a pronounced bacon tummy.

It should be clear to everyone that it takes more than 2 weeks to go from “buoy” to “mermaid”. Nevertheless, 2 weeks is a good start to work consistently on!

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