Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – 7 Pain Relieving Remedies

To prevent this, you should make sure that your posture is correct and that your wrists do not stay in the same position for too long.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - 7 Pain Relieving Remedies

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – It is a 21st century disease. Inflammation of the wrist and repetitive movements (writing on the computer, playing the piano, gardening, handicrafts or sports) are responsible for this.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is very painful and surgical intervention is required in severe cases.

In today’s post, you’ll find exercises and remedies to relieve symptoms and reduce inflammation.


wrist pain carpal tunnel syndrome

Most women over 40 are affected by this disease, which is often caused by different activities in the workplace.

Here’s a way to do a self-test to see if you’re suffering from it too: Put your elbow on a table, then keep your arm and hand in a straight line. Then bend your wrist and move it for 1 minute.

If you experience more of these symptoms, you should seek medical advice:

  • Tingling sensation in the hand or wrist.
  • Pain.
  • Numbness (even at night).
  • Weakness (things cannot be grasped or held).
  • Rigidity of the fingers (especially the thumb, forefinger and middle finger).
  • Sensation of warmth on the fingers.

Home remedies for carpal tunnel syndrome


If your daily activities interfere and you show typical signs of carpal tunnel syndrome, you should reduce your work on the computer and mobile phone and use support rails, for example.

We recommend various natural remedies that can relieve pain and tingling:

1. Anti-inflammatory drink

pineapple-in-slice carpal tunnel syndrome


  • 1 slice of pineapple (peeled)
  • 1 small slice of ginger
  • 1/2 apple (green or red)


  • Chop the ingredients and then process them in the mixer until a homogeneous juice is produced.
  • Then drink it every morning.
  • We advise consuming pineapple several times a week as it has excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

    2. Fenugreek paste


    • 30 g fenugreek flour
    • some water


    • Mix the water and flour and then heat for 15 minutes. Stir until a paste is formed that is applied to the affected area.
    • Wait until the paste is at a temperature appropriate for the skin and then apply it to the painful areas.

    3. Green apple and savoy cabbage juice

    apple-versus-carpal tunnel syndrome


    • 2 green apples
    • 1 large sheet of savoy cabbage


    • Chop everything up, remove the core, peel and then place in the blender jar.
    • Process until a homogeneous drink is obtained. Drink immediately.
    • You can then take this juice at any time of the day.

    4. Real meadowsweet

    In this case, the flowers of the plant are made into tea, which you can then use to make an envelope.


    • 20 g real meadowsweet
    • 250 ml of water


    • Warm the water, do not boil it and then add the flowers.
    • Let it steep for a few minutes, filter and then take immediately (sweeten with a little honey).

    Alternatively, you can make an envelope from the flowers and leaves by pulverizing them and mixing them with a little water or alcohol. Apply to the wrist.

    5. ginger

    Ginger can also be used as a tea or an envelope.


    • 20 g ginger powder
    • 250 ml of water


    • Bring the water to a boil and then add the ginger.
    • Let it steep and then drink it before the tea cools down.
    • You can then drink up to 2 cups a day to take advantage of the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger.

      To make a poultice, you can simply mix ginger powder with water until a paste is formed and apply it to the sore wrist. Wrap with a cloth and then leave it on for a few minutes. Then rinse with lukewarm water.

       6. Pineapple-grapefruit-orange juice

      grapefruit versus carpal tunnel syndrome


      • 1 slice of pineapple
      • Juice 1 orange
      • Juice 1 grapefruit


      • Peel the pineapple slice and then mix it with the orange juice and grapefruit juice in a blender. Filter.
      • Then take this juice for 3 days or every day if you work intensively with your hands.

      7. St. John’s wort


      • 3 leaves of St. John’s wort
      • 250 ml of water


      • Warm the water with the St. John’s wort and then simmer for 10 minutes.
      • Take off the stove and then let it stand covered.
      • Filter and then drink daily. The pain is relieved and the tingling sensation in the hands and wrists is reduced.

      More remedies

      • Use cold compresses or ice on the affected area to reduce inflammation. Warm baths can then make symptoms worse.
      • Use turmeric in your food preparation as this spice has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. If you include foods high in vitamin B6, such as whole grain rice, potatoes or chicken breast, in your diet, you can increase the effect even more.
      • Take 1 tablespoon of linseed oil daily (preferably in the evening or in the morning). Then do the treatment for 2-4 weeks to reduce the inflammation of the wrists.

        Exercises and other recommendations

        hand splint versus carpal tunnel syndrome

        In more serious or painful cases, doctors advise using a splint on the affected hand at night.

        This prevents you from unconsciously bending your wrist under your body or the pillow. If you cannot bear to move your hand during the day, you should also wear the splint during the day.

        The wrist should then rest for as long as possible, depending on the work you need to do. Avoid overloading (repetitive movements, lifting heavy objects, etc.).

        If possible, you should take small breaks from work so as not to overload your joint.

        If you have been sitting at the computer for many hours, make sure that your arms are at right angles and your wrists should be parallel to the floor. Always keep your back straight.

        When using the mouse, do not lift your wrists too much: use a support for your wrist. If you have to type on the computer, use an ergonomic keyboard and take your time.

        Extend your hands and wrists every hour during work and when you come home in the evening.

        Make circular movements clockwise, then in the opposite direction. A very effective exercise is to straighten your arms up and point your fingers toward the ceiling.

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