Delicious Smoothie For Reducing Cholesterol And Fat

Although cholesterol is required for certain body functions, too much is – as everyone knows – unhealthy.

Delicious smoothie for reducing cholesterol and fat

If the LDL cholesterol levels are too high, the risk of hardening of the arteries and heart damage increases. There are things that help with cholesterol  and fat loss.

Although cholesterol is required for certain body functions, too much is – as everyone knows – unhealthy.

It is therefore important to pay attention to your diet if you have high cholesterol levels. Various natural remedies can also help regulate cholesterol levels and help with fat loss

Delicious, healthy smoothie for reducing cholesterol and fat


The main ingredients of this smoothie are parsley and lemon, both of which have excellent properties.

Benefits of parsley

Parsley is used all over the world for the preparation of tasty dishes. This herb has a detoxifying effect, reduces water retention and then helps in the elimination of harmful substances.

Parsley also contains valuable oils and flavonoids that are beneficial to health. Vitamin C, A and K can also be found in this herb; these strengthen the immune system and protect against inflammation and other diseases.

Regular consumption of parsley helps eliminate toxins, stabilize the cholesterol level and stimulate blood circulation.

For this reason, parsley is an excellent protection for the blood vessels and also an excellent preventive measure against heart disease.

Benefits of lemon


Since the lemon is very rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and natural essences, it combines well with parsley to protect the arteries and against cholesterol. Lemon prevents fat build-up on the artery walls and helps with fat loss.

The antioxidants it contains fight harmful free radicals, reduce fluid retention and accumulated toxins. Lemon juice also stimulates fat burning and thus promotes fat loss.


The combination of parsley and lemon creates a very effective drink that regulates cholesterol levels and prevents diseases.

Regular consumption also stimulates fat loss, prevents fluid retention, improves kidney health and prevents premature aging.


  • 1.5 L water
  • 3 bunches of parsley
  • 1 kg of lemons
  • some baking soda


  • Make sure the lemons are unsprayed. You can also disinfect them with a little baking soda dissolved in water.
  • Then cut the lemons into slices.
  • Bring the water to a boil. As soon as it is cold again, add the lemons and finely chopped parsley.
  • Mix everything with the hand blender or blender and then drink 100 ml of it daily.
  • Then keep this mixture in the refrigerator.

This smoothie is recommended in the morning on an empty stomach. If taken regularly, it then helps to lower the cholesterol level.

Of course, a healthy diet and an adequate lifestyle are also important. Avoid unhealthy habits like smoking, alcohol, or sedentarism to keep cholesterol in check.

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