Natural Control Of Cockroaches

The aroma of herbs can keep cockroaches away. Simply spread a few ground bay leaves or a little peppermint over the problem areas.

Natural cockroach control

Fighting cockroaches  or cockroaches is usually not easy. These nasty insects  can also transmit disease and spoil food. 

They can hide anywhere in the house and are active at night when nobody notices.

Do you want to get rid of these terrible bugs? There are numerous ways you can wipe out unwanted bugs in seconds.

But all of these products are highly toxic and can also have a negative impact on our health or that of pets.

For this reason  , today we are introducing you to various natural home remedies that are inexpensive and effective against cockroaches. 

Where are the cockroaches hiding?

Cockroaches favorite hiding spots

Before fighting the vermin,  you must first find out where exactly it is best to hide. 

  • They like to hide in gaps and holes  between kitchen and bathroom furniture and  in wooden furniture.
  • The crawly animals can also get into the house through cracks, crevices or bars.
  • They also simply enter through doors or windows.
  • They can also be found in sewage pipes in the kitchen or bathroom, in heating or air conditioning pipes, electrical housings or false ceilings, etc.
  • By the way, look for them behind or under the refrigerator, oven, microwave oven or other household appliances.
  • Have you looked in  cardboard boxes drawers or other storage locations for clothes, paper, fabrics, pet food?
  • All too often they get stuck under the flooring, where they are unfortunately difficult to find.
  • They also feel at home in places with building materials, rubble, wood or rubbish.

How can you fight cockroaches?

Home remedies can be very helpful and effective here. However, before using them,  proper hygiene and order in the house must also be taken into account.

This is the only way to put an end to the vermin. 

  • First you need to cover crevices and holes around the dishwasher, sink, shower or bathtub and always keep it dry.
  • So vacuum under furniture, mattresses, carpets, etc., and especially in crevices and cavities, always well and regularly.
  • Make sure to clean all drawers and shelves  with books, clothes, etc. regularly.
  • Don’t leave unwashed dishes with leftover food on for long, as this can also attract bugs. Pack and seal all food well, including those for pets.

    Home remedies for cockroaches

    Baking soda can also work against cockroaches
    • Laurel:  This remedy is very simple – it simply distributes bay leaves to those places where the vermin is suspected. The insects don’t like the smell and will move away.
    • Onion and Boron Powder:  This home remedy is inexpensive and very effective, which is why many people like to use it. A paste is made from finely chopped onions, half a cup of flour, a little beer or water, a pinch of sugar and 3-4 teaspoons of boron powder (available in pharmacies). Mix all ingredients in a container and pour into bottle lids, which are then placed in strategic locations. This product should not be used when pets are present as it can be toxic.
    • Baking soda and sugar:  Mix a cup of baking soda with a cup of sugar and sprinkle around the house. The cockroaches, attracted by the sugar, will eat the mixture. Soda produces gases, which then destroy the vermin.
    • Borax:  This natural substance is often used in the manufacture of soap and detergent. Simply sprinkle it all over the house, especially where the cockroaches hide. This removes the water from the vermin, which leads to death.
    • Catnip:  Simply spread catnip all over the house. This remedy works in the same way as laurel, as the vermin cannot tolerate the smell and will therefore move away. 

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