How Red Tea Helps You Lose Weight

Red tea, also called pu-erh, has dehydrating properties and stimulates the metabolism. It also improves digestion. In order to be able to lose weight, however, you should also pay attention to a healthy, balanced diet and sufficient exercise. 

How red tea helps you lose weight

Red tea  has many advantages and is therefore very popular in various cultures around the world. It has also proven to be a very valued and healthy support for weight loss in our part of the world.

Pu-Erh, as this tea is also called, is characterized by valuable antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health. It also  has anti-inflammatory effects that could be beneficial in the prevention of various diseases. 
Have you set yourself the goal of shedding a few pounds? Then this traditional drink can help you.  However, it is not a miracle cure! But it can support your project with a wide variety of very positive properties.
Then learn more about the properties of red tea and how you can prepare it.

Red tea has many very beneficial properties

red tea

Regular consumption of pu-erh has several benefits and can make weight loss easier. While there are many natural supplements to achieve the desired weight,  but red tea is one of the simplest and most effective. 

Diuretic effect

The dehydrating active ingredients in red tea stimulate the drainage of the fluids stored in the tissue. While this does not directly affect body fat, it can still cause you to lose weight. 

Fluid retention can add 1 to 3 kilograms to your body weight. They also hinder blood and lymph circulation. Reducing fluid retention also has beneficial effects on metabolism.

Better digestion

One of the benefits of red tea is that it improves the digestive process. This stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and speeds up the  metabolism of difficult-to-digest foods. 

This is fundamental to being able to lose weight and it also makes it easier to burn fat. It also allows nutrients to be better absorbed in the intestine. Pollutants that accumulate in the intestine are expelled. 

Regulation of cholesterol levels

Cholesterol levels

The antioxidants contained in Pu-Erh also have a positive effect on dyslipidemia (lipid metabolism disorder). Red tea cleanses the arteries and lowers bad LDL cholesterol and trygliceride levels.

Positive effect on the aging process

Pu-Erh contains important polyphenols and other antioxidants that fight against free radicals. They also have a moisturizing effect,  improve organ functions and prevent premature aging. 

Regular consumption of this tea promotes detoxification of the skin and prevents premature wrinkles and other signs of aging. In addition, it also protects the internal body systems from premature aging caused by harmful substances.

Support in losing weight

The best-known positive property of red tea is that it makes it easier to lose weight. This hot drink has therefore become very popular around the world.  It has a strong thermogenic effect that stimulates the basal and hepatic metabolism.

These properties increase energy expenditure and improve fat burning. This can also reduce the risk of fatty liver disease. This disease often arises when people are overweight or obese.

How to make red tea to get all the benefits

How to make red tea to get all the benefits 

There are a wide variety of preparation options. To achieve your weight loss goal, we recommend combining pu-erh with other beneficial ingredients.

Try this effective recipe:


  • 1 teaspoon of red tea (5 g)
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder (2.5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • Bee honey (as desired)


  • Scald the pu-erh and cinnamon with boiling water.
  • Then cover the cup and let the tea steep for about 10 minutes.
  • Then pour it through a sieve to remove the solids.
  • Sweeten with honey if desired.


  • Have a cup of red tea in the morning for  at least three weeks.
  • If you want to lose weight and detox your body, you should drink a cup every day for at least a month.


While red tea has numerous health benefits, there are also some contraindications to consider. Pu-erh is high in caffeine and can therefore increase the heart rate and over-stimulate the nervous system. 

You should therefore avoid it in the following cases:

  • high blood pressure
  • Racing heart and nervousness
  • Discomfort with the heart impulse
  • pregnancy and breast feeding period
  • Insomnia or other sleep disorders

You can benefit from the benefits of red tea and lose weight more easily. However, do not forget that it is not a miracle cure. You cannot use it to replace main meals! Eat a healthy and balanced diet.

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