Chronic Constipation: 5 Tips For A Better Quality Of Life

Chronic constipation makes it difficult to defecate and causes swelling and pain. Today we have various recommendations that can help you in this situation. 

Chronic constipation: 5 tips for a better quality of life

Chronic constipation  makes it difficult to empty your bowels regularly, which can be days or even weeks in coming. Most people experience constipation only sporadically, but there are also serious cases that suffer greatly, with swelling and pain as well.

Treatment may require laxatives or other medications. It depends on the causes of the problem and also on the patient’s health. What other measures can alleviate the situation?

Various lifestyle changes play an important role in chronic constipation. Find out today how you can better control this uncomfortable complaint. 

Chronic Constipation: These Tips Can Improve Your Quality Of Life!

Chronic constipation can result from diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, or diabetes. In most cases, however, a low-fiber diet and a sedentary lifestyle are responsible for this. 

The first thing you should  do is improve your daily habits, especially your diet. The goal is to activate the intestinal transit so that bowel evacuation can be carried out more easily. If the necessary measures are unsuccessful, the doctor may prescribe other treatments to resolve the situation.

1. Exercise against chronic constipation

Exercise against chronic constipation
Exercise has many benefits for the whole body, including the intestines!

Regular exercise promotes bowel activity and therefore helps with chronic constipation. Exercise can stimulate the activity of the intestinal muscles, which at the same time makes it easier to empty the bowels.

On the other hand, daily exercise also has a very positive effect on stress and helps with sleep disorders. In addition, you improve your cardiovascular health as well as your physical and mental well-being. To enjoy these benefits, 20 to 30 minutes of daily exercise is sufficient.

2. Control stress!

Many do not take into account that stress has a negative impact on the digestive system. This can make the symptoms of chronic constipation worse. This in turn influences the quality of life, which is why it is essential to implement strategies against stress in everyday life.

Fortunately, there are many methods and therapies that can help you cope better with stress in a relatively short period of time. Meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises are very popular and effective. Massages and aromatherapy are also very beneficial in this situation.

3. Drink more water to fight chronic constipation

Drink more water to help fight chronic constipation
Too little fluid leads to hardened stools and slow bowel movements.

If you drink too little, you have to expect that the bowel movements will slow down. In many cases, prolonged constipation is due to a lack of fluid in the body. It is therefore essential to take in sufficient water during the day  (6 to 8 glasses of water on average).

You also need to take into account that fluid requirements depend on factors such as age, health, and habits. Various diseases require increased water consumption. Sufficient fluids are also essential for sporting activities!

4. Routines and healthy habits

Frequent lifestyle changes can have a negative impact on health. The intestinal peristalsis can also suffer. If you do not adhere to regular eating times, do not get enough sleep or do not go to the toilet, the natural rhythm of the organism gets mixed up.

Therefore, a regular routine is recommended to prevent chronic constipation. With this you can relieve stress and bring emotional imbalance under control at the same time. As you know, these factors also negatively affect bowel movement.

The following tips can help you build healthy habits into your everyday life:

  • Stick to regular eating times.
  • Make an uninterrupted schedule for going to the bathroom.
  • If you have the urge to defecate, you should comply with it.
  • Make sure you sleep regularly and try to get eight hours of sleep a day.
  • In the morning, drink a glass of water on an empty stomach.

5. More fiber to prevent chronic constipation

More fiber to help prevent chronic constipation
Dietary fiber is very beneficial for intestinal health!

One of the most effective methods against chronic constipation is the increased consumption of fiber. Include these in your diet regularly! Among other things, this helps you stay full longer, promotes a healthy microbiota and works against constipation. 

While fiber is available as a dietary supplement, it is best to choose foods that are high in plant fiber  However, do not overdo it, as this is not healthy either.

You can find fiber in the following foods:

  • Whole Wheat Bran
  • Dried fruits and seeds
  • Fruit like berries, apples, oranges, bananas, pears
  • Dried fruits such as raisins, figs or prunes
  • Vegetables like broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, avocado, and peas
  • legumes
  • Oatmeal

Note:  You should eat fruit in its natural form to get the most out of the fiber it contains. When you make juice out of it, valuable fiber and nutrients are lost.

Is your stomach bloated? Are you having problems emptying your bowels? If you have symptoms of chronic constipation, you should implement these recommendations in your daily life. If the situation does not improve in a few days, be sure to seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist.

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