Bach Flower Therapy For Back Pain

Bach flowers can help with emotional problems without causing side effects.

Bach flower therapy for back pain

For Bach flower therapy, flower essences are used to treat emotional imbalances such as fear, stress or sadness.

However, it can also be used to treat physical pain, which is often triggered by emotions.

In today’s article you will learn how  Bach flower therapy  can help with back pain.

What are Bach flowers?

Bach flowers are herbal essences with different effects. There are 38 different combinations that help to stabilize emotions naturally  without triggering side effects.

This therapy works slowly, activating the body’s self-healing powers in order to be able to overcome negative emotions such as fear, resentment, longing, jealousy, guilt and apathy.

Everyone can benefit from it, including young children or patients who are taking medication, as this treatment has no side effects or contraindications.

Bach flowers

Bach flower therapy

A naturopath can best advise  you and put together the right flower essences for you. Character, phase of life and existing pain are taken into account.

There is no risk in taking the Bach flowers, but they can be very helpful in relieving pain. The flower essences can also be applied to the painful areas.

Don’t forget that you  can’t mix more than 7 essences.

It is taken as described below:

  • Oral use: Drip 4 drops under the tongue 4 times a day or mix with a little water.
  • External use: apply 4 drops 2 times a day directly or mixed with a lotion on the affected area.

The pain

Pain is a body signal that  provides important information and lets you know that something is wrong. Therefore it is not enough to take a pain reliever, you definitely have to determine the cause!

Despite the injury or inflammation that causes back pain, there is also an emotional trigger that should be addressed.

The back is the support of our body and is essential for all activities in everyday life. That is why it is good to know Bach flowers, which can help on an emotional level and thus also relieve back pain.

Back pain


Neck pain is often felt when one needs emotional support.  The following Bach flowers can help:

  • Chicory: In the case of possessive behavior towards other people.
  • Holly: For feelings like anger, jealousy and envy etc.
  • Larch: Gives you more self-confidence and self-assurance.
  • Mimulus: Helps with fear of being alone and of losing one’s job.
  • White Chestnut: Remedies for those who care too much about certain things.
  • Beech: Promotes tolerance.
Neck pain

Back area

Feelings of guilt from the past make themselves felt on the back.  The following Bach flowers are recommended:

  • Pine: The best remedy for guilt.
  • White Chestnut: Helps if your thoughts are always around certain problems.
  • Honeysuckle: Helps you leave the past behind and focus on the here and now.
  • Rock Water: For people who ask too much of themselves.
  • Mustard: With sadness and disinterest. when you don’t find happiness in the present.
  • Chestnut Bud: Helps not to repeat mistakes already made and to learn from experience.

Lumbar region

This is where fears about the financial situation  become noticeable. Different Bach flowers can help to overcome fear, selfishness or worries caused by injustice:

  • Mimulus: This flower is most used against feelings of fear that are triggered by financial difficulties, work and family.
  • Agrimony: For people who suffer and who are secretly afraid.
  • Red Chestnut: For those who care too much about their fellow human beings.
  • Hornbeam: Provides a better state of mind and more energy and thus helps to cope with difficult situations more easily.
  • Gentian: For those who are discouraged and depressed after having suffered a setback.

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