Cinnamon – Delicious And Very Healthy!

Cinnamon not only has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, this spice also helps with muscle pain, contractures and has a relaxing effect. That is why it can also be used for anxiety or irritability.

Cinnamon - delicious and very healthy!

The scientific name is Cinnamomum verum, this spice is used especially for desserts or coffee. Many ancient cultures consider cinnamon to be a miracle cure and, in fact, its active ingredients are very healthy.

It has the ability to fight diseases and new effects of cinnamon are constantly being discovered. In the following article you will learn why it is very healthy .

Useful but rather unknown properties of cinnamon

Its unmistakable aroma and its unique taste, which especially compliments sweet foods, make cinnamon one of the most commonly used spices in the world. In addition, it has numerous health benefits and is also very healthy.

It was only recently found out that cinnamon has the ability to lower blood sugar levels and protect against lipid metabolism disorders.

This great spice, which is extracted from the bark of the cinnamon tree, also promotes digestion and relieves intestinal discomfort, gas and abdominal pain.

Cinnamon has a strong antioxidant effect due to its phenolic compounds (which are also found in grapes and red wine). In the composition, valuable flavonoids stand out, which occur in large quantities – similar to blueberries.


Cinnamon oil has a strong antibacterial effect and can therefore prevent the spread of fungi. This advantage is primarily used in the cosmetics industry.

Other properties

At the same time, cinnamon contains vitamins B1 and C, phosphorus, calcium and potassium – nutrients that are essential for our health.

In addition, this spice has a relaxing effect, is a powerful sedative for the nerves, helps against stress, irritability, anxiety and even depression.

The anti-inflammatory effects of cinnamon help relieve muscle and joint pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis or tension due to poor posture.

This spice has also proven to be a good remedy for coughs, colds, and constipation. It reduces blood sugar levels and blood lipids, making it perfect for people with diabetes or high cholesterol.


Cinnamon also improves digestive functions. In addition to the properties described above, it acts against nausea and vomiting, stimulates the appetite (ideal for patients with certain diseases) and is a powerful remedy for diarrhea.

Women can also benefit from tree bark because it reduces menstrual cramps and promotes peripheral blood circulation.

However, one should know that women trying to get pregnant should not consume too much cinnamon as it is also a contraceptive. Pregnant women should also avoid cinnamon as it can cause miscarriages.

Cinnamon has recently been used as a pain reliever for a burned tongue, but this application has not yet been tested. Anyone who burns their tongue – which is not uncommon – can simply suck on a cinnamon stick.


Cinnamon is very healthy: how can amn benefit?

Cinnamon is available as a powder or in sticks. In any case, attention should be paid to the quality: Only Ceylon cinnamon is recommended.

It is best to buy organic cinnamon that has been grown without the use of pesticides or other harmful substances and whose vitamin C and carotenoid levels have not been reduced or eliminated.

This should be stored in a glass container with an airtight seal in a dark, cool and dry place. Cinnamon in sticks keeps fresh for a year, as a powder for six months.

If you store the spice in a sealed container in the refrigerator, the shelf life can be extended. Fresh cinnamon has a sweet scent.

In order to enjoy all of the benefits of cinnamon described above , it is recommended to consume between 1 and 6 grams per day.  One teaspoon of ground cinnamon is roughly 4 grams.

The delicious tree bark can be used for various dishes, on pastries, sprinkled over food or in combination with various other foods.

It is advisable to consume cinnamon with hot drinks as it is not well absorbed by cold liquids and can become lumpy.


Other uses

Cinnamon tastes great in tea or coffee! At the same time, it is a good remedy for colds or flu. One teaspoon per cup of green tea is enough. For the coffee you can add one and a half teaspoons to the hot water.

Cinnamon is also delicious and very healthy in soups, especially lentil or black bean soup. This spice has a warming effect and an exotic taste.

Cinnamon is also perfect as a digestive aid after lunch or dinner. This is ideal for those with heartburn or difficult digestion. A cinnamon tea before bed takes away the uncomfortable bloating feeling.

There are other ways to take advantage of the properties of cinnamon. One study showed that the scent of this spice stimulates brain function and improves cognitive skills.

Some people also chew on a cinnamon stick to get the same effect. Perfect before an exam or when studying all night.

Cinnamon oil or other products containing cinnamon are also very healthy and popular as beauty products. Cinnamon is used particularly often for desserts and sweets.

So this spice tastes delicious and promotes health at the same time.

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