Which Foods Are Fattening Foods?

If you want a healthy fruit juice, prepare it yourself fresh. Commercial juices usually contain ingredients that are harmful to the organism, such as sugar, colorings and preservatives, even if they are sold as 100% natural.

Which foods are fattening foods?

Many studies have examined foods that are bad for our health and are also considered fattening foods . Of course there are, but it all depends on the amount and frequency of consumption of these foods.

Of course, it is best to avoid these foods, especially if you want to lose weight, improve your cholesterol levels, or provide your body with more energy.

Fattening up

In the following, we will introduce you to the 12 foods that make you fat. This list was drawn up by the University of Harvard. They are classified according to the bad effect:

French fries

French fries, which can be found in restaurants or takeaways around the world, are delicious but can even be addicting.

If you don’t control the amount of french fries, it can easily make you fat. French fries cooked at home are only marginally better.

French fries are one of the fattening foods

Potato chips out of the bag

This is the snack per excellence for every meeting, dinner or party. Potato chips are always deep-fried and the fat makes you fat.

Furthermore, it is a food that does not satisfy hunger and is often consumed in large quantities.

Sugared soft drinks

If you drink one or two glasses of soft drinks a day, it not only leads to weight gain, it also increases blood sugar levels.

It doesn’t matter whether it is light drinks or normal soft drinks. Both are harmful to health.


If we eat too much beef or pork, it promotes obesity and increases cholesterol levels due to the fat it contains.

Fatty foods make you fat

Processed meat (sausages, etc.)

Processed meats like sausages and cold cuts are high in saturated fat, calories, sodium, and color. These are not healthy for children or adults and should be removed from the menu.

Trans fats

Hundreds of items from the supermarket contain trans fats. These are very harmful to our health. They are found primarily in frozen and processed foods, as well as in convenience foods.


Regardless of the preparation, this tuber vegetable is extremely popular in many countries. Nevertheless, if they are consumed every day, potatoes lead to various problems, such as a feeling of fullness or a supposed satiety.

Sweets and dessert

Biscuits, cakes, pies, sweets from the bakery, etc. are bad for our health because they contain a large amount of sugar and fat. Better to eat a fruit than dessert.

Extract cereals

Among this group we find, for example, rice, a food that is widely consumed all over the world because it is inexpensive and has a very filling effect.

The problem is not the grain itself, but the fact that it is an extract grain. White rice is not a natural product. Better to choose whole grain rice or brown rice.

Fried foods

Aside from potato chips, there are a number of fried foods that are prepared with a lot of oil and fat and are therefore considered fattening foods. These are harmful to health, especially if they are made in the restaurant or takeaway.

This group also includes fried or breaded meat, fried vegetables, etc.

Purchased fruit juices

Even fruit juices labeled as 100% natural juice contain large amounts of sugar and are therefore unhealthy. In addition, fruit juices often contain colorings and harmful preservatives.


The fat in butter is bad for the body and for our skin. It has been proven that those who consume a lot of butter or mayonnaise are more likely to have acne or blemishes on their face. The cholesterol level also increases.

So better hands off this fattening food!

Butter runs in the pan

Other not recommended dishes

In addition to the 12 foods that we have described here, we can add some fattening foods that are also not recommended for daily consumption:

  • Pasta:  In particular, pasta dishes made from white flour are not recommended. However, you can safely consume them in moderation (about once a week). Make sure, however, that the sauce does not contain too much fat. The sauces are often rich in calories and carbohydrates and make you fat.
Pasta with vegetables and minced meat
  • Sauces for the salad or for the meat:  This group includes sauces such as mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, sauces for the meat, salad dressings such as Caesar, etc. All of these sauces contain a large amount of salt, fat and calories.
  • Chocolate:  There are some exceptions here, such as dark chocolate, which is not harmful in moderation as it contains a high percentage of cocoa. Don’t choose cheap chocolate in the supermarket because it contains sweeteners and artificial colors. Avoid white chocolate in particular, as it is often high in chemicals and high in sugar.

Foods that make you the least fat

These foods are very healthy and can be eaten whenever you want without hesitation:

  • White or blue fish:  This category includes sea bream, hake, bream, cod, etc. These fish are health-promoting because they do not contain a lot of fat or carbohydrates and provide healthy omega-3 acids and phosphorus.
  • Lean meat  such as chicken and turkey, always without fat, of course. These types of meat are filling and high in protein.
  • Seafood and crustaceans:  mussels, shrimp, oysters, squid, sea spider, etc. All of these seafoods are low in fat and high in iodine, zinc, good protein and low in carbohydrates.
  • Vegetables:  spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, cabbage, leeks, asparagus etc. The list is very long! Vegetables provide our body with many minerals and vitamins and the fat content is zero. With vegetables you also consume water at the same time.
vegetables are healthy
  • Legumes:  Lentils, chickpeas, soy, beans etc. provide us with a lot of zinc, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and many vitamins. They also contain important protein.
  • Fruits:  All fruits are recommended, with the exception of the banana, grapes and coconut. They are high in sugar. Fruits also provide you with plenty of water and contain antioxidants.

Images provided by Harsha KR, Stu_ Spivack, grendelkhan, Jessica Merz, Sean McEntee, John Loo, Christopher.

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