Home Remedy With Milk For Dark Elbows

This home remedy is very effective, but you need a little patience and perseverance!

Home remedies with milk for dark elbows

There are several all-natural remedies that are inexpensive and very effective. Today we introduce you to a home remedy with milk and vitamin E that, with regular use, brightens the skin without causing side effects.

The skin on the elbows and knees is slightly thicker than in other parts of the body because it has no sebum glands. Because of this, it dries out more often and needs special care.

Harmful environmental influences, dust, moisture, etc. can cause the skin to change in these areas, dead skin cells to accumulate and dark spots appear.

These areas are often forgotten in day-to-day care, as this usually focuses on the face and other areas of the body.

Sometimes the dark spots are so noticeable that special products are required to treat them.

Try it yourself!

Homemade cream made from milk and vitamin E to brighten the elbows and knees

Homemade home remedy cream

The combination of these ingredients is very effective in lightening the skin on the knees and elbows. 

It is made with milk and vitamin E, two popular natural moisturizers that soften and brighten the skin. At the same time, it can prevent premature aging of the skin. 

The antioxidants it contains remove impurities that accumulate on the skin and improve absorption.

In addition, the positive effects are enhanced by lemon juice and glycerine.


  • 1 tbsp glycerine (5 ml)
  • 5 tbsp milk powder (50 grams)
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 3 vitamin E capsules


  • Put the milk powder in a clean bowl and mix with the glycerine.
  • Mix well with a wooden spoon and gradually add the lemon juice.
  • Pierce the vitamin E capsule and add the oil, stirring constantly.
  • As soon as the viscous paste is ready, apply it to the problem areas.


Home remedies for dark elbows
  • This product should only be applied in the evening, as exposure to the sun could cause undesirable reactions to the lemon juice.
  • First, wash the affected areas thoroughly to remove any impurities.
  • Then apply the required amount, massage in and leave to work for 20-30 minutes. Then massage again with the dried cream and then rinse it off with plenty of lukewarm water.
  • Dry thoroughly with a soft towel and then apply a moisturizer, coconut oil or olive oil.
  • Repeat the treatment at least three times a week until you get the desired result.

To note!

This natural home remedy is very helpful for removing stains on your elbows and knees. However, do not forget that the effects will not be immediate. 

You need patience and constancy to achieve the desired results, as it is a natural product that does not work as quickly as commercial chemicals.

The advantage, however, is that they are all natural ingredients  that usually don’t cause allergic reactions or skin problems. 

Natural ingredients are an inexpensive alternative and easily available everywhere.

Do you feel like making this home remedy and incorporating it into your beauty routine? You will be amazed when you see your skin glow.

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