Healthy Drinks For Your Eyesight

In order to regenerate the eye tissue, you should make sure you eat a diet with lots of fruits and vegetables that provide the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

Healthy drinks for your eyesight

Our eyesight needs to be strengthened with vitamins and minerals in order to function normally. Sometimes things like spending too much time in front of the computer, stress, and dieting can cause us not only to lose visual acuity, but also to suffer certain illnesses because our diet is not optimal.

An adequate diet that is rich in essential vitamins and that allows the tissues of our eyes to regenerate is sufficient. It is about simple active ingredients that are found in abundance in fruits and vegetables. Here we present them to you in detail.

Vitamins that strengthen our eyesight

Vitamin A (fat soluble)

Vitamin A, also known as retinol, is essential for our eyesight and stimulates the retina’s sensitivity to light. With vitamin A deficiency it is difficult for us to fix our eyes during the day, they get tired and even start to burn. To prevent this, we should consume foods rich in this vitamin: carrots, spinach, milk, egg yolks

Vitamin E.

Vitamin E is an essential antioxidant that protects us from free radicals. It protects the tissue of the eye, prevents degeneration and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Where do we find this vitamin? In dried fruits, olive oil, avocados, etc.

vitamin C

Vitamin C is present in all fresh vegetables and offers great benefits and antioxidant effects, as well as folic acid and iron …  It is present in oranges, lemons, grapefruits, strawberries and raspberries and so on.

Healthy drinks for our eyesight

Carrot juice for better eyesight

Drink with carrot, apple and spinach

This mixed drink is not only good for our eyesight, but also for our hair, teeth and skin. Also ideal for breakfast.

ingredients for a person:

1 carrot
1 apple
3rd Leaves fresher spinach
1 tbsp Wheat germ
1 glass Mineral water


1. First we wash the carrot and apple and remove the apple pits. Then we wash the spinach and mix everything with the mixer.

2. Then we add water and stir everything together well. Finally, we add the wheat germ, which is very good for eyesight. The drink should be consumed immediately after preparation.

Beetroot, carrot and apple juice

Here again the indispensable carrots and apples, which provide an important basis for our eyesight. In this recipe, however, we add some beetroot. Why? Because it is very nutritious and important for our eyesight as it contains a lot of vitamins A and C.


1 carrot
1 apple
A cup Mineral water


1. The beetroot  is washed, the apple and the carrot and cut into small pieces (you do not have to peel the vegetables in this case). Then everything goes into the mixer until a homogeneous and heavy cream is created.

2. Then we mix it with water. For a special taste we add a little lemon.

3. Always drink this drink on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning or before a meal.

Blueberry shake

Thanks to their high antioxidant content, blueberries are great for your eyesight. They are also known for promoting intestinal health, looking after our kidneys and harmonizing various metabolic processes. All of this makes this little fruit a great helper for our health.

Blueberry shake for eyesight

-50 G Blueberries
1 glass of milk


The preparation is very simple: just mix the blueberries with milk. This creates an intense purple tone. Otherwise we can also add sugar or cream to make the drink sweeter. This shake works great and is wonderful for breakfast.

Papaya shake

Papayas also have many medicinal uses: They work antioxidant, laxative, analgesic, antiseptic, diuretic, etc. and promote digestion. They also strengthen ours  Eyesight as well as our hearing and airways. The papaya is a gift from nature that offers innumerable benefits.


50 g papaya
2 tablespoons Natural yoghurt
1/2 Glass of skimmed milk

1. First we peel them papaya and remove the Seeds. D. Then we cut the fruit into small pieces and put them in the blender.

2. The yoghurt and the skimmed milk  are added and then everything is mixed well.

3. We drink the shake immediately so that all of its active ingredients are optimally absorbed. It is up to you whether you add a little more sugar or not. This shake is delicious for breakfast or as an afternoon snack.

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