Signs Of Aging On The Neck: What To Do?

Most women take care of their face every day, but the neck is often forgotten. In today’s post, learn what signs of aging are on the neck and what you can do about it. 

Signs of aging on the neck: what to do

The face and neck are most exposed to the sun, which is why these areas show increasing age. However, wrinkles, sagging skin, and other signs of aging on the neck  can all be reduced with proper care.

Most women groom their face on a daily basis, but the neck is often forgotten. In today’s post, learn what signs of  aging are on the neck  and what you can do about it. 

Signs of aging on the neck

1. Less elasticity

Less elasticity is one of the symptoms of aging in the neck

With age, the skin loses its elasticity. This natural process cannot be stopped, but it can be slowed down.

Stretching exercises tighten the tissues and underlying muscles. You can also use it to stimulate collagen production, which is also important for firmer skin!

2. Folds of skin under the chin

Signs of aging on the neck: folds of skin under the chin

With increasing age , we produce less collagen, which means that our skin is no longer as firm and ages.

Older women also have lower levels of estrogen. Since the skin is a hormone-dependent organ,  less collagen is synthesized as a result and the blood circulation in the skin is also poor. 

All of these can lead to sagging skin and, consequently, wrinkles under the chin.

Protect your skin from exposure to the sun with a suitable sun protection factor. Take care of them with a moisturizer that also contains collagen. And don’t forget: start at a young age to take precautionary measures!

3. Horizontal lines

Horizontal lines are one of the symptoms of aging on the neck

These are wrinkles that appear  due to the loss of fluid and elasticity in the skin with increasing age. Here too, reduced collagen production and sun exposure play an important role.

Tobacco and lack of moisture further intensify the signs of the times.

  • To relieve this symptom of aging in the neck, try to straighten your neck and keep your chin straight at all times. The posture should not be uncomfortable but natural. This will protect your back at the same time!

4. Vertical lines

These signs of aging often result from poor sleeping positions.

  • It is best to sleep on your back and not in the side position!

It is impossible to control the movement of the head while sleeping. However, you can use a pillow that will keep your neck in the same position.

5. Poikiloderma

Poikiloderma is one of the symptoms of aging on the neck

Poikiloderma is a reddish or brown discoloration on the sides of the neck that is due to long-term exposure to the sun. Sun exposure without protection damages the superficial blood vessels and causes redness.

There is no specific treatment for poikiloderma. However, you should definitely use sunscreen every day as a preventative measure  , even if it’s cold or overcast outside.

If discoloration has already occurred, you can use natural remedies or commercially available products. These can help lighten the skin.

Try this mask:


  • a teaspoon of turmeric (3 g)
  • 1 teaspoon rice powder (3 g)
  • a tablespoon of coconut milk (15 ml)


  • Mix the three ingredients.
  • Now wash the neck area and dry it off.
  • Apply the paste to your neck and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse and dry thoroughly.

Finally, apply a collagen cream or the contents of a collagen capsule to the skin. This can also be used to reduce other signs of aging.

General tips against signs of aging on the neck

To take care of your beauty, don’t forget

  • drink plenty of water,
  • to use sunscreen daily and
  • pampering your skin with moisturizing collagen creams.

Not only your face, but also your neck needs daily care! Your skin will  stay young longer and you will feel good in it.

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