Drain Excess Salt

A high consumption of salt is harmful to health. With our tips on nutrition, we will help you to drain excess salt in the body.

Drain excess salt

Salt is the most widely used spice in the world. In recent years, however, various studies have shown that too much salt also has harmful effects on health. This is because there is excess salt in the body.

Our bodies only need small amounts of salt to function properly, but too much is harmful. Many nutritionists recommend reducing or avoiding salt consumption.

Instead, you can get the salt your body needs from various natural foods.

Excess salt can over time cause heart disease, a stroke, or other health problems. It has also been found that excess salt is the main cause of fluid retention and swelling.

It is therefore advisable to change your eating habits and consume less salt. In this post, you will learn how to get rid of excess salt from your body.

Drain excess salt

Our tips

  • Drink more water. We recommend between 6 and 8 glasses of water a day. Water consumption stimulates the elimination of excess harmful fluids and also helps to excrete salt in the urine. This helps to cleanse the organism, provides the body with sufficient fluids and reduces swelling.
  • Reduce or avoid salt altogether. Even if salt seems indispensable for many, it is advisable to look for alternatives to season food. Small amounts (especially in home-made meals) can be consumed without hesitation. However, you should avoid foods with a high salt content such as sausages, canned food, ready-made meals, frozen ready-made meals, fast food, etc. Instead, include more fruits and vegetables in your diet, as these will help eliminate excess salt.
  • Replace salt with other spices. There are much healthier spices that also ensure excellent taste: for example,  garlic, fresh black pepper, curry, parsley, oregano or rosemary. 
  • Sufficient exercise. It’s best to do a couple of aerobic exercises every day. Other sports activities that make you sweat are also recommended. Running, dancing, cycling or even a visit to the sauna are perfect  for excreting impurities and excess salt through sweat. But don’t forget to take a water bottle with you and always drink enough!

Drain excess salt with parsley

Drain excess salt

Parsley is well known for its kidney cleansing properties. This plant helps to excrete pollutants in the urine.

The kidneys play a very important role in detoxifying the body. Their tasks include filtering the blood and removing the excess salt and pollutants.

How can parsley help?

To take advantage of the benefits of this plant, you can simply prepare an infusion. Wash and cut a handful of parsley and then boil in a liter of water for 10 minutes.

Then let it steep a little more. It is best to drink this infusion in the morning on an empty stomach. The rest can be stored in the refrigerator and drunk throughout the day.

Do not forget…

  • In order to increase the effect of this drink and to remove excess salt effectively,  not only regular consumption is important. The other recommendations mentioned above should also be observed.
  • This drink cleanses the organism and is also very helpful against fluid retention, increased blood pressure and for weight loss. Of course, it’s just as important to lead a healthy lifestyle to get the results you want.

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