Health-promoting Properties Of The Prickly Pear

The prickly pear, also called nopal, has dehydrating properties, improves digestion and contains valuable fiber that can prevent obesity.

Health-promoting properties of the prickly pear

The prickly pear (nopal) grows wild all over America. It is easy to care for and can also be planted anywhere. This is why it is so popular on the American continent. The health-promoting properties of prickly pear also make it an excellent natural remedy.

Learn more about the benefits of prickly pear in this post.

Nutritional value of the prickly pear

This plant contains a high proportion of:

  • calcium
  • phosphorus
  • potassium
  • Sodium and also glucide
  • nitrogenous compounds
  • Fiber
  • Vitamins A, B, C and K.
  • Chlorophyll
  • Riboflavin and
  • Proteins

Numerous studies have shown that the prickly pear is an excellent medicinal product due to its properties. This applies in particular to the glandular, nervous, immune, circulatory, digestive and respiratory systems.

However, the prickly pear is also suitable for various external uses. It is used for cosmetics and beauty products. These can be used on the skin or on the hair. The following products with prickly pear are available:

  • Soap
  • shampoo
  • Conditioners
  • Moisturizing gels
  • Creams
  • Eyeshadow etc.

In traditional medicine, the prickly pear was used to treat wounds and light skin burns.

Prickly pear cactus in a colander

You can consume this plant in several ways:

  • in juices or sauces
  • as a powder
  • in desserts
  • in stews
  • Salads
  • Jams
  • Soups,
  • with cereals
  • Fruits or
  • with flaxseed

The stalks are as tender as vegetables. For example, you can make them with a marinade. Prickly pear fruit juices are also very popular. Read more about prickly pear’s excellent properties below.

Health-promoting properties of the prickly pear

Effective antibiotic

This plant prevents the development and reproduction of various bacteria. The stems of the prickly pear are used for poultices and produce excellent results on the skin. This applies to injuries as well as inflammations.

Good for atherosclerosis

This cardiovascular inflammation, which is caused by a pathological change in the arteries (calcification), can be treated with prickly pear. Because it has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.

Use fresh prickly pear juice regularly as a preventive measure against this disease. Alternatively, you can also use the powder as a food supplement.

Prickly pear

May reduce the risk of cancer

The prickly pear contains a large amount of soluble and insoluble fiber. The latter absorb water and improve the transport of food through the digestive tract. At the same time, digestion is promoted. This can reduce the concentration of possible cancer cells in the intestine and lower the risk of cancer.

Regulation of cholesterol levels

Due to the amino acids, vitamin B3 and fiber it contains, the prickly pear helps regulate blood sugar and convert fat. As a result, bad cholesterol and trygliceride are significantly reduced. Bile juices, which can turn into cholesterol, are also eliminated.

Improves bowel functions

The active substances in the prickly pear help absorb fat and carbohydrates. Furthermore, the fiber in the prickly pear keeps the intestines healthy and pure and also absorbs the glucose.

The health benefits of prickly pear are numerous

Good for diabetes

The prickly pear helps regulate blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is recommended for diabetes patients. It contains 18 amino acids that provide the organism with more energy and reduce signs of fatigue. It also lowers glucose levels.

At the same time, the liver and pancreas are strengthened and the transport of glucose to the body cells is improved (increased insulin sensitivity). The digestion of carbohydrates is reduced, which also reduces insulin production.

Better digestion

The following vitamins help improve digestive function:

  • B group vitamins (1, 2 and 3)
  • vitamin C
  • calcium
  • potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Sodium and
  • iron

These antioxidants protect against toxins found in food. At the same time, they reduce the harmful effects of alcohol and heavy meals.

Prevention of constipation

The dietary fiber contained in prickly pear cactus aids digestion and consequently helps with constipation.

Against obesity

Here, too, the numerous dietary fibers have an excellent effect. Because they delay the absorption of food and thus the absorption of nutrients into the blood. There is also a better excretory function. The fluids get into the bloodstream faster and thus work against cellulite and fluid retention.

The prickly pear is recommended in juices (e.g. with orange juice). The soluble fiber creates a feeling of satiety and also stimulates bowel movements.

Strengthening the immune system

Since the prickly pear contains numerous vitamins (especially A, B and C) it strengthens the immune system.

It also supplies minerals and amino acids. These help with the elimination of toxins and the cleansing of the liver. They can also protect against environmental pollution, cigarette smoke and alcohol, while the photochemical active ingredients they contain are helpful for viruses and bacteria.

Protects the nervous system

The prickly pear has a relaxing effect and improves the state of mind. Therefore, it can be used for depression and emotional imbalance.

Diuretic effect

Prickly pear juice is used for inflammation of the urinary system and for kidney and bladder pain.

Would you also like to take advantage of the many properties of the prickly pear? Then try it as a juice or powder or consume it in one of the ways mentioned above.

The images were provided by Razi Marysol Machay, Diógenes el Pacífico, David de la Luz, Javier Lastras, Roberto González and Luis Daniel Carbia Cabeza.

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