Natural Juices For Headaches

Do you know that you could avoid 70% of headaches with a balanced diet? In this post, we recommend various juices to put an end to these complaints.

Natural juices for headaches

Headaches can recur due to fatigue, stress or other health problems. Many simply take the tablet to get rid of the annoying headache as quickly as possible. But there are also  juices for headaches.

But side effects can often be the result. There are many natural headache juices made from fruits and vegetables. Do you want to know more about it?

Sometimes headaches are the result of poor diet and symptoms of other medical conditions. If you have frequent headaches, you should definitely see a doctor.

Here is some advice to avoid headaches, but the cause should always be diagnosed.

Tips for headaches

healthy breakfast

Experts believe that at least 70% of headaches can be prevented by having a good quality of life, that is, eating healthy and avoiding stress. Here are a few simple tips:

1. Breakfast is important

Provide your organism with sufficient energy in the morning . Drink one of the headache juices we introduce in this article and eat dried fruits and whole grains. So you have reserves for the whole day.

2. Avoid foods with tyramine

Avoid all foods with this ingredient. Dairy products, cheeses like Roquefort, Brie, Feta, Mozzarella, Parmesan, etc. Tyramine increases the blood flow to the brain and can then cause headaches.

3. Eat fruit

Fruit is always good for headaches. When it is very ripe, as can be the case with bananas, raisins or avocados, tyramine is also found in it, which can cause discomfort.

4. Avoid foods with preservatives and colorings

Some foods contain nitrates, such as bacon. This substance can also cause headaches.

Also avoid sweets with bright colors, artificial colors  and monosodium glutamate (MNG) are very harmful to health. MNG can also trigger headaches. Always read the additives in the foods you consume.

Headache juices

Juice for stress-related headaches

If you come home after a long day at work with pain in your temples and front of your head, we recommend this juice.

Ingredients and preparation:

  • 1 apple
  • 1 pear
  • a little cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of brewer’s yeast
  • 1 half glass of water
  • 2 ice cubes

Wash and peel the fruits well, then puree them. Stir in the brewer’s yeast and cinnamon. Then you add the fresh water and the ice cubes. Then drink this juice slowly, it is very refreshing and healing.

Juice for headache with dizziness

juice headache

If you are feeling unwell, or if you haven’t eaten properly all day and feel dizzy, you can drink this juice to provide your body with the nutrients it needs.

Ingredients and preparation

  • 5 strawberries
  • 1 cup of watermelon
  • 1 medium mango
  • 2 nuts
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 half glass of water

Chop the nuts and then wash and cut the fruit. Puree the strawberries, watermelon, mango and the chopped nuts. Add the water and honey. These ingredients will help you feel better as well as reduce dizziness.

Juice against headaches caused by tiredness and stress

juice headache

When you come home exhausted, stressed and worried, when your neck area is sore and your body is lame and tense, this juice will do you good and give you new strength.

Ingredients and preparation

  • 2 carrots
  • 1 stick of celery
  • 2 oranges
  • 1/2 lemon

Wash the carrots and celery and squeeze the oranges and half a lemon. Mix everything in the blender until you get a homogeneous drink. It tastes very aromatic and refreshing and has a detoxifying and relaxing effect.

Juice against illness-related headaches


Do you have a stomach ache and a headache? Do you feel concerned and have muscle pain? If you have a virus or other ailments, this juice will help you relieve both headaches and stomach aches.

It is easy to prepare and gives excellent results.

Ingredients and preparation

  • 1 red apple
  • 10 blueberries
  • 1 plum
  • 1 spoon of flaxseed
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1/2 glass of water

Wash the fruit well, peel the apple, and then remove the core. Also remove the core of the plum. Don’t forget the flaxseed and then blend everything until you get a nicely colored, tasty juice.

Then drink it slowly. You can drink the juice twice a day before main meals and you will soon feel better.

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