Improve Memory With Natural Remedies

In addition to these natural remedies, you can train your brain. For example, you can memorize lists or do sudokus or crossword puzzles to stimulate the brain.

Improve memory with natural remedies

Where are my keys? Who was I about to call? Do you have trouble remembering everyday things or important information? Do not doubt and read on, in this post you will learn how you can strengthen the memory with natural means.

Reasons for poor memory

Not only elderly people have memory problems, younger people also suffer more and more from bad memories .

We forget the house keys, the name of a person, what we learned the day before, important appointments … Reasons for this can be, for example, overload at work or in the personal area or stress.


Other reasons that affect our memory are:


Antihistamines, narcotics, weight-loss drugs, and drugs to control blood pressure are all drugs that “put our brains to sleep” so that many details are forgotten.

Hormonal changes

Hormone fluctuations can cause memory impairment, be it due to pregnancy, menopause or hormonal imbalances (e.g. caused by drug intake). However, this is normal.

sleep disorders

Insufficient sleep can also cause information to be forgotten and memory and reflexes to deteriorate. Therefore, you should not sleep less than 6 hours. Insomnia is a serious problem that should be addressed.

high blood pressure

People who have high blood pressure from the age of 45 can suffer cognitive damage and memory problems because the small arteries in the brain weaken.


Home remedies for memory

If you have memory problems, we recommend the following home remedies:

  • Drink a sage tea daily (scald a handful of sage leaves with a cup of boiling water and let it steep for a few minutes, then filter and drink).
  • Rosemary tea with honey (same preparation method as for sage tea, but add 1 spoonful of honey).
  • Eat 3 dried apricots, 3 prunes and 3 almonds daily .
  • Take walnuts for 9 days. Start at 6 on the first day and then increase the serving by one walnut each day.
  • Add fresh ginger (grated or thinly sliced) to your dishes – such as salads, soups, creams, and sauces. Ginger also has great advantages as a tea. Be careful with the amount, however, as ginger will increase blood pressure.
Ginger root

More home remedies

  • Eat 1 red unpeeled apple a day.
  • Take 1 spoonful of brewer’s yeast mixed with 1 teaspoon of pollen and 1 spoon of soy lecithin.
  • Drink 1 cup of soy milk with 1 spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of royal jelly and 1 teaspoon of pollen every morning.
    • Use the hand blender to make a juice of 125 g dates, 250 g figs and 3 carrots. Filter the juice and then drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.
    • Use the blender to mix 1 cup of water, 2 peeled almonds, the juice of 1 orange, 3 nuts and the juice of 1 mango. Then drink this energy shake every morning.
    Banana shake
    • Mix 5 g each of the following ingredients: basil, raspberries, yarrow and mallow. Boil everything with a cup of water for a few minutes, let cool and then filter. Drink this tea for 2 weeks after every dinner and at bedtime. Take a 2 week break and start over.

      A few more home remedies

      • Bring 1 liter of water to the boil and add 7 teaspoons of aniseed grains.  Let it boil until the water is reduced to 700 ml. Then filter and sweeten with 4 spoons of honey. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
      • The combination of gingko biloba and rosemary protects the brain from free radicals and prevents damage to brain functions.
      Gingko biloba
      • Mash an artichoke and put it in a glass, pour water over it. Close the jar and let it boil in a double boiler for 2 hours (add more water if necessary). Filter the brew and drink 3 spoons of it 3 times a day.
      • Soak 4 prunes in a glass of water for 12 hours.  Puree the plums with a glass of water and a fig with a hand blender. Drink this shake every night before bed (this also helps relieve constipation).
      • Press a grapefruit and an orange. Peel and cut an apple and  use the juicer to make juice from all the ingredients. This juice is taken every other day, but especially before an exam. This remedy is rich in nutrients and promotes memory.

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