7 Foods Against Exhaustion

Even if the avocado has a bad reputation for making you fat, it is one of the most complete fruits. It provides large amounts of vitamins, protein and fiber and helps you start the day with energy.

7 foods against exhaustion

There are numerous reasons for exhaustion: a hard day at work, stress, worries and problems, a sleepless night or even organ disorders. In this post you will learn more about food to combat exhaustion.

These can help relieve the feeling of fatigue in a matter of days. Today you will learn more about oatmeal, pollen, cocoa, spirulina, maca, avocado and banana  against exhaustion.

Oats against exhaustion

Oats are very nutritious and contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals. This cereal  provides energy, but at the same time has a relaxing effect –  therefore it is excellent for exhaustion, stress, anxiety or nervousness.

A couple of ideas with oats

  • For breakfast in the form of oat flakes, in combination with fruit, dried fruit and yoghurt.
  • A delicious plant-based milk can also be prepared with oats  , which can then be an excellent substitute for cow’s milk.
  • Baked goods can be prepared with oatmeal,  for example cookies or waffles.
  • Oats can also be used for cream soups and stews. It makes the food creamy and has a filling effect.


Pollen is one of the superfoods and is particularly recommended for people who are tired or have a loss of appetite. It is also an excellent dietary supplement for children, athletes and pregnant women.

You can have the pollen for breakfast in the morning. However, the granules need to be  ground first so that they can then be better digested and absorbed.

Both pollen and other bee products (honey, propolis) are  highly recommended for exhaustion and a weakened immune system.


Cocoa is not just chocolate or cocoa drink. The latter are processed products that contain cocoa, but also other ingredients that are not necessarily healthy (sugar, fats).

Pure, bitter skimmed cocoa has healing and stimulating properties and helps regulate the nervous system.

You can use this in shakes and desserts  and sweeten it with honey, sugar cane honey or agave syrup. If you prefer a slightly richer consistency, you can mix the cocoa with a little virgin coconut oil.



This alga has wonderful health-promoting properties  and should not be missing in your daily diet. It is characterized by a very high nutritional value and can also cover various deficiency symptoms.

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can  also lead to fatigue for no apparent reason.

Spirulina can be taken in tablet form or  in smoothies and fruit shakes for breakfast.


This native of Peru root as a food supplement in powder form for its world  known energizing and stimulating properties,  it helps excellently against exhaustion. 

Maca is particularly recommended for women who suffer from menopausal symptoms, as this root also regulates the hormonal balance.

However, caution is advised because  too much of a good thing can lead to nervousness.  Start with a pinch (3 g) and then slowly increase the amount up to a maximum of 9 g.

You can mix the powder with  fruit juices or water.



The avocado is one of the most complete fruits in terms of nutritional value. It is rich in vitamins and minerals and also contains an important proportion of proteins, fiber and healthy fatty acids.

If you eat half an avocado every morning, you can start the day healthy and full of energy.

You can also take the avocado in salads, smoothies or as a cold soup. 


Even if it is a fruit,  it is counted as a starch product due to its nutritional value.  Even a small amount is very filling and provides many nutrients that provide vitality for a few hours.

You can eat this delicious fruit whole or use it to prepare delicious fruit  shakes with cocoa, maka and oat milk. This way you get a very nutritious and energetic drink.

The banana also tastes excellent in the oven with cinnamon and honey – this recipe is particularly recommended as a dessert on cold days.

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