6 Tricks For Attractive Lips

The skin of the lips is very sensitive, so it should be cared for accordingly and protected from the cold or sun.

6 tricks for attractive lips

Beautiful attractive  lips immediately catch the eye and make women very attractive. However, since the skin of the lips is very sensitive to various factors and therefore quickly becomes dry or cracked, care products and tricks are very popular.

In addition to care and health,  many women also have the need to emphasize their mouths and to provide more volume in order to appear seductive.

The cosmetics industry provides a wide variety of products in order to achieve the desired appearance. Cosmetic surgery can also help to achieve “perfect” lips, increase volume or improve shape.

However, we recommend natural remedies  and tricks for attractive lips.  Then read on to learn how to get attractive lips.

1. Peeling for attractive lips


The peeling can remove dead skin, which then causes the lips to look unhealthy.

Since the skin on the mouth is very sensitive and dries out quickly,  it is advisable to use a peeling regularly.


There are many natural ways to exfoliate your lips.

You can rub your lips with a gentle toothbrush and then wash them with lukewarm water.

If you want to nourish your lips at the same time,  we recommend scrubbing with sugar and honey.


  • 1 teaspoon sugar (5 g)
  • 2 teaspoons of honey (15 g)

Preparation and use

  • Mix both ingredients in a container until a viscous paste is formed.
  • This is applied with the fingers, and you can then perform a gentle, circular massage.
  • Then rinse with lukewarm water. Repeat this treatment once a week.

2. Refrain from tobacco!

The smoking habit is not only bad for health. Beauty also suffers as the health of the skin and lips is negatively affected by tobacco.

Even if this is not visible at first: Over time  , wrinkles around the mouth become noticeable, the lips dry out and bad breath odor is one of the consequences of smoking.

3. Lip balm for the care of attractive lips

Lip ointment

It’s best to use a moisturizing lip balm daily  to nourish and protect the delicate skin of your lips.

There are a variety of products (colorless or colored) on the market, but you can also make your own natural lip balm.

How is that done?

The production is very simple. You can do without aggressive chemicals completely .


  • 1 teaspoon cocoa butter (5 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of shea butter (8 g)
  • 1.5 teaspoons of castor oil (7 ml)
  • 2 drops of edible vanilla extract (optional)
  • 1 sterilized, sealable jar

Manufacture and application

  • Gently heat all ingredients in a water bath until cocoa butter and shea butter melt.
  • Mix everything well and then pour into the selected can.
  • Chill the balm (without the lid) for 2 to 4 hours so that it hardens. Then close the can.
  • You can then apply this balm regularly whenever needed to keep it moisturized.

4. Lip exercises


You can also do gymnastics with your lips – this will keep them beautiful and healthy.

The best practice is to kiss your mouth and pause for a few minutes. Then the lips are stretched and relaxed with a smile.

Do this exercise for 3 to 5 minutes each day. You will feel the difference!

5. Choose a nice color

The right color makes the lips even more attractive.

This must be selected according to the skin type and the occasion,  otherwise the opposite effect could be achieved.

If you are unsure, use soft colors during the day. In the evening, the lipstick can also be a little more intense. For example, if you have dark skin, warm browns are recommended.

6. Use sunscreen on the lips

Sun protection

When you go out in the sun, do n’t forget to protect your lips from the harmful rays too!  Use nourishing sunscreen to reduce the risk of skin damage.

We recommend that you use these tricks regularly. You can then use it to underline your beauty and promote the health of your lips. 

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