10 Alternative Uses Of Kitchen Paper

Use kitchen paper for crispy, fried foods to remove the excess oil.

10 alternative uses for kitchen paper

Paper towels are very popular and present in most households as they are very convenient for cleaning various surfaces.

But while it can be used for a variety of things, most of them only use it  to wipe up something or remove excess grease,  as these are the most popular uses and are also popular in advertising.

But that’s not all, kitchen paper can do a lot more. There are a variety of alternative uses that  can be simple and quite practical around the home. Read on to learn more about it.

Remove corn mustache with kitchen paper

Remove corn beard

The tiny hairs that sit under the corn leaves and protrude at the tips are not always easy to remove.

Paper towels can help remove these in seconds with little effort.

How? Moisten the paper and use it to rub the corn on the cob. That was all!

Oil bottle

The oil bottle becomes dirty and sticky after frequent use, which is uncomfortable.

To prevent this, you can attach a folded paper towel to the neck of the bottle with a rubber band. In this way, the oil residues collect on the paper  and then do not contaminate the entire bottle.

Eliminate the fat in the broth


Chicken or meat broths tend to have a lot of fat that is difficult to remove, even if it floats on the surface.

You can simply line  a sieve with kitchen paper and use it to sieve off  the fat in the broth.

Prevent rust in cast iron pans

Cast iron pans or pots rust easily if not handled properly.

It is very important to dry them well before storing. It is also advisable to place absorbent kitchen paper between the pans.

Dry the vegetables

Vegetables are usually washed before use, which leaves moisture behind.

To dry this quickly,  you can simply put kitchen paper in a bowl and place the vegetables you want to dry on top.

Try seeds


Do you think that certain seeds that have been lying around with you for a long time are already too old and can no longer be sown?  If you have any doubts, you can easily try out whether they are still good:

  • Moisten two sheets of kitchen paper and place the seeds between them so that they are covered by a sheet.
  • Keep in a warm place and moisten every now and then. If the seeds still don’t sprout after two weeks, they cannot be used anymore.

Fresher bread

One trick to keep bread fresh longer is to freeze it. To make this trick even more effective, however,  you can simply wrap the bread in kitchen paper so that it absorbs the moisture  and prevents fungi from growing. That way, bread stays fresh longer.

Absorb the moisture from the brown sugar

When the temperature rises, the brown sugar is usually more humid than normal and over time it becomes a compact mass.

If so,  you can simply put the sugar in a container lined with kitchen paper  and you will see it return to its original shape the next day.

Less fat on fried foods


One of the most important properties of kitchen paper is its ability to rub off liquids. It is perfect for removing excess fat or oil.

If you want fried foods to be crispy but low in oil,  you can simply put paper towels on a plate  and place the fried foods on top. The excess fat is absorbed in a short time.

Fresher vegetables

The vegetables go bad too quickly in the refrigerator? To prevent this from happening to you again,  next time you just wrap it in kitchen paper before storing it in the fridge!

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