Tips For Perfect Eyelashes

If you want strong eyelashes, you should comb them daily to promote blood circulation and growth. Don’t forget to include oranges, carrots, and honey in your diet to help strengthen the lashes from the inside.

Tips for perfect eyelashes

Do you want perfect eyelashes like your favorite actress or singer? You don’t need expensive cosmetic treatments for this. There are several simple tricks and home remedies that are equally effective.

You can find out more about perfect eyelashes in this article.

The eyelashes form a perfect frame for the eyes and intensify the look. A beautiful “fan” that moves in an attractive way can be very attractive and arouse passion.

Five steps to perfect eyelashes


Use eyelash curler

Curved eyelashes highlight the eyes and also ensure an expressive look. Eyelash curlers are inexpensive and produce good results. The perfect eyelashes are always shaped before the mascara, otherwise they could break.

Simply place the pliers on the edge of the eyelid and close. Hold for about a minute for the desired result to be achieved.

Apply mascara

Mascara is one of the most important tools to emphasize the look. Always choose a quality product with natural ingredients to provide the lashes with moisture and care at the same time.

You should also make sure that the mascara can be removed easily, but still lasts a long time. It is best to keep the mascara in a cool and relatively humid place so that it lasts longer.

Before use, don’t forget to clean the eyelashes with cleansing milk and rinse with lukewarm water. Then dry it well and carefully and apply a thin layer of mascara. As soon as it is dry, apply another layer.

If you apply a little more to the outer area of ​​the upper eyelashes, you give the look more depth.

Separate eyelashes for perfect eyelashes

When applying the mascara, the eyelashes tend to stick together. Small lumps often form, especially if it is of poor quality. To prevent this, hold the back of a spoon behind your lashes and apply the mascara backwards.

Eyelash brush

After applying the mascara, you can shape the lashes with a special brush or with a toothbrush before the mascara dries. With a good mascara, the eyelashes can also be bent after applying make-up.

The good thing about it is that it stimulates blood circulation and loosens loose eyelashes at the same time .

Eyelash care

Never go to bed without removing the mascara with cleansing milk, always proceed carefully and gently with some cotton wool. Even if you don’t make up your eyelashes every day, you should take care of them.

You can use almond oil to lightly massage and moisturize this area. This makes the eyelashes stronger and more beautiful.

Natural remedy for perfect eyelashes

These natural home remedies bring excellent results.

Oil mixture

Mix equal parts of castor oil, almond oil, avocado and olive oil. This oil mixture can also be used to remove make-up with cotton wool. Spread a drop on the lash line before going to bed. The next day, rinse with water and then wash your face.

Castor oil with rum

Mix three spoons of castor oil with a spoon of sugar cane rum and apply to the lashes with cotton wool. Be careful not to get the mixture in your eyes.  Let this remedy work all night long.

Camomile tea

Scald a handful of chamomile flowers (do not use tea bags!) With a cup of water, let it steep and then sieve. As soon as the tea is cold, the eyelashes are moistened with a little cotton wool every evening.

olive oil

Olive oil can also be used on its own. It is very beneficial for both hair and skin. In the evening, distribute two drops of cotton wool on the eyelashes,  always from the bottom up. Let it work all night.


Further recommendations for beautiful eyelashes

  • As already mentioned, never use the eyelash curler after applying the mascara.
  • If you are using an eyelash curler, be careful with it so that it doesn’t weaken the base of the lashes.
  • Always shape the lashes in three steps, gently and carefully so as not to damage them. The effect is more natural and the eyelashes are also better protected.
  • Natural oils (olive, almond and castor oil) promote the health and beauty of the eyelashes, it is recommended to use them twice a week.
  • Warm eyelash curlers should be used very carefully (as well as straightening irons for your hair). The results are not always satisfactory; they can also be helpful for special occasions.
  • Before applying the mascara, it is advisable to apply a special balm that provides more volume, separates the lashes better and improves the effects of the mascara.
  • Oranges, carrots and honey can promote better growth of the eyelashes from the inside and are therefore also highly recommended.

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