Quick Relief For Sore Throats

Sore throats are a common problem, especially in autumn and winter. These often go away on their own after several days, but there are simple ways to quickly relieve the symptoms. Today we invite you to read our article to learn which home remedies can bring you quick relief from a sore throat. 

Quick help with a sore throat

Sore throats can be very uncomfortable and persistent. How long and how intense the symptoms are depends, among other things, on the causes. But in most cases, simple home remedies can provide quick  relief for a sore throat .

Most often, sore throats are caused by an infection of the upper respiratory tract. This is especially the case in the cold seasons,  when pharyngitis (inflammation of the throat) and thus hoarseness often occur.

Colds, sinusitis (sinus infection) or laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx) can also cause pain in the throat. In most cases, all of this inflammation is caused by viruses. Treatment with antibiotics is therefore not indicated. This cannot alleviate the annoying symptoms.

Other causes of hoarseness, a sore throat, and pain include:

  • Dry atmosphere:  dry air dries out the mucous membranes. Sometimes the air is humid enough, but you breathe in through your mouth instead of your nose.
  • Allergies:  People who are allergic to house dust and mites also often suffer from an irritated throat.
  • Tired voice from overwork:  Overworking the vocal cords can also lead to hoarseness and sore throats.
  • Irritant substances:  Certain chemicals that may be present in the air irritate the organism and the throat and pharynx. This can be the case, for example, from tobacco smoke.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease: gastric acids  get back into the esophagus and sometimes into the throat, which can lead to severe irritation.

Quick help with sore throats through home remedies

We recommend the following various home remedies, which in many cases can provide quick relief for a sore throat. However, do not forget to have your doctor examine you beforehand in order to get to the bottom of the exact causes! 

1. Gargle for quick relief from a sore throat

Gargling is an old but very effective home remedy  for a sore throat. Use lukewarm water with a little salt. This mixture soothes swelling and irritation.

Just dissolve a teaspoon of salt in water. If you don’t like the taste of the salt solution, you can add some honey. Gargle it several times a day.

2. Honey for quick relief from sore throats

As mentioned earlier, you can gargle with water, honey, and salt. Another option, however, is to take a spoonful of honey straight away. You should let it melt slowly in your mouth so that it can work on the inflamed areas.

The honey forms a protection for the mucous membranes and prevents them from drying out. It also dissolves harmful microorganisms that are in this area.

Remember,  children under the age of one cannot eat honey. Because babies are at risk of developing botulism from honey.

Honey for quick relief from sore throats
Honey soothes irritation in the throat and throat area, but should not be given to babies.

3. Sweets for quick relief from sore throats

In health food stores or in pharmacies  there are various cough and sore throat drops that can bring relief. They contain soothing and refreshing ingredients like eucalyptus.

The candies stimulate saliva formation, which moisturizes the mucous membranes and temporarily relieves symptoms. The problem with this is that you will need several candies a day.

4. Moisture for a sore throat

Moisture is very important for the care of the mucous membranes. When these dry up, the symptoms get worse. It’s best to drink plenty of water and avoid other beverages such as coffee as much as possible. 

Warm broths and teas are also helpful. A broth not only provides plenty of fluids, but also important micronutrients and trace elements such as sodium and potassium.

5. Heat applications for quick relief from sore throats

Warm compresses in the neck area increase the temperature and stimulate blood circulation. This will bring more anti-inflammatory cells into this area of ​​the body and also improve humidification.

6. Warm shower

A warm shower creates water vapor, which soothes the sore throat. It reduces swelling and clears the airways as it penetrates through the nose and mouth. 

Warm shower for quick relief from a sore throat
In addition to other measures, a warm shower can have a relieving effect on the airways and temporarily relieve discomfort.

7. Refrain from smoking

Tobacco and cigarette smoke have a strong irritant effect on the throat and pharynx as well as the respiratory tract and can not only  trigger sore throats, but also worsen them if they are caused by an infection, for example. Not only the smoker himself, but also passive smokers suffer from it.

It has been scientifically proven many times that smokers are more susceptible to respiratory infections. Smoking also often leads to chronic coughs and other respiratory diseases. 

8. Painkillers for quick relief from sore throats

Sore throats often go away on their own after a few days. But in some situations we need to get fit quickly and accelerate the healing process for professional or other reasons  because we cannot stay at home. In these cases, analgesics can be helpful.

Paracetamol usually comes first. This pain reliever is relatively harmless and can relieve symptoms. It can also be given to young children. The second option is ibuprofen, which is not only pain reliever but also anti-inflammatory. Both also work against fever.

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