5 Tips To Take Care Of Your Slim Neck

You shouldn’t forget that the skin on the neck is just as sensitive as the skin of the face and should therefore be cared for immediately. This area should also be peeled and moisturized regularly.

5 tips to take care of your slim neck

A well-groomed neck looks very attractive, but we often don’t care enough for this part of the body. In this post you will find various natural care tips for supple skin and a beautiful, young, slim  neck.

Not only the face, but also the neck area must be moisturized and peeled regularly on a daily basis. The same treatments that are used on the face should then be extended to the neck area.

Below you will find various care tips for your slim neck .

Weekly scrub for a slim neck

The first step for smooth skin on a slim neck is regular exfoliation. We recommend that you do this once a week – too often it could irritate the skin, especially with dry and sensitive skin.

To remove the dead cells, you can then use the following natural products – individually or in combination:

  • Baking soda
  • sugar
  • sea-salt

These are simply mixed with a little almond oil or aloe vera gel. Then the skin is gently massaged with it. Apply the peeling from the chest to the chin in circular movements without applying pressure.

After that, the scrub is washed off with cold water to close the pores. Finally, apply a moisturizer.


Thorough cleaning

What is the best way to thoroughly cleanse your slim throat? A clay mask is ideal for this. If you have oily or combination skin, you can use these on your face at the same time.

We recommend green or pink clay mixed with a little water. Then apply the resulting paste to the face and slender neck.

To make the mixture, we recommend using clay or porcelain dishes, you should not stir the paste in a metal container, as this could lose the therapeutic properties.

During the application, the eye area and the lips are spared. After about 15 minutes, the mask is removed with lukewarm water. Then apply a moisturizer.


How is the neck adequately hydrated? Just apply the same moisturizer that you used on your face. The neck is just as sensitive as the skin of the face and also loses its firmness with age.

If it is not properly cared for, unsightly wrinkles will also appear in this area.

We recommend the following very nutritious products:

  • almond oil
  • Wild rose oil
  • Shea butter
  • Jojoba oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Grapeseed oil
  • Evening primrose oil
  • olive oil
  • Wheat germ oil

All of these products moisturize the skin and provide deep care. The oils are simply applied to the skin in the morning and evening. 

cervical vertebrae

Regular massage

The neck suffers particularly from the daily tension, bad posture, many hours in front of the computer, etc.

In order to prevent negative consequences, it is advisable to perform a gentle neck massage with the selected moisturizing oil – 5 to 10 minutes are sufficient.

  • Use the whole palm of your hand first and massage the area under the chin in particular (where a double chin is often created) to promote blood circulation and the elimination of harmful substances.
  • Then massage the skin with your fingers from top to bottom with light pressure.

Nocturnal rest and relaxation

Bruxism or gnashing of teeth also leads to tension and can negatively affect the appearance of a slim neck. To prevent this from happening,  you can do relaxing jaw exercises. Incidentally, these can also help reduce the double chin.

Tension in the jaw area is common at night, so it is better to do the relaxation exercises before bed to sleep like a baby with a loose, relaxed jaw.

baby sleeping

Images provided by Chiot’s Run, osmachosant and Torbein Rønning.

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