Treating Your Heels When They Are Cracked: Tips And Remedies

In order to get healthy, soft heels, peelings to remove dead cells must be used before each treatment. This is how the remedy used reaches the deeper skin layers

Treating Heels When They Are Cracked: Tips and Remedies

Cracked calluses in the heel area are a sign of a lack of moisture and often also of inadequate foot care. Usually there is a connection with wearing open shoes or walking barefoot. So read our tips on how to treat cracked heels.

Usually only the upper skin layer, the epidermis, is affected. However, it becomes more dangerous when the cracks reach the dermis.

Then the condition becomes painful and infections can settle more easily, which is why many doctors treat cracked heels .

As is the case with many foot problems, cracked heels are often ignored until the condition is barely bearable and painful. But then the skin is already severely damaged.

But there are many treatment options. So cracked heels do not have to affect the quality of life of the person affected. Do you want to treat her? Then read on!

Treating cracked heels: foot bath

Foot bath

Make it an evening routine : Before you go to bed, soak your feet in a foot bath of warm water for 15 to 20 minutes, then rub them gently with a pumice stone.

Be careful not to additionally damage severely cracked areas.

This treatment removes dead skin cells that make up the tough, cracked cornea.

After rubbing it, rinse your feet again, then apply a  moisturizing cream. Then put on stockings.

This treatment should be repeated daily until the desired results are achieved. A regular foot bath can also be used to prevent cracked heels.

Treating cracked heels: Avocado and banana cream

The avocado and banana cream softens the skin and counteracts dryness, which enables it to eliminate the main causes of cracked heels.


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 ripe banana

What should I do?

Crush the avocado and banana so that you get a homogeneous paste. Apply this to your dry heels like a mask and then wrap your feet in cling film for 30 minutes. After this time, rinse off the cream with lukewarm water.

It’s best to do this treatment every day, but at least three times a week until you get the results you want.

Treating cracked heels: Exfoliate with lemon


This remedy contains a natural exfoliant that is used to  easily remove dead cells. This makes the skin softer and less cracked.

We do not recommend using this peeling in the case of very cracked calluses or deep cracks , as the citric acid can otherwise cause an unpleasant burning sensation in the wounds.


  • Juice of one lemon
  • ΒΌ cup of sugar

What should I do?

Make a paste from the two ingredients that you rub on your heels. Spread the scrub over all affected areas with gentle, circular massages.

Leave it on for ten minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Use the scrub three times a week until your cracked heels are a thing of the past.

Treating cracked heels: coconut oil

This natural remedy is used for a variety of purposes in skin care, but especially for the feet.

It has a strong antibacterial effect and also helps in the fight against athlete’s foot, so that skin problems and foot odor are prevented.

We mainly use it here because of its hydrating properties, as the cracked heels lack moisture. This allows the skin to renew itself and become softer.

What should I do?

Apply a generous amount of coconut oil to the affected areas and rub the oil in well.

Ideally, you give your feet two servings of coconut oil every day, in the morning and in the evening.

Treating cracked heels: cocoa butter

Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is known as a skin care product because it helps against dryness and supports repair processes.

What should I do?

Buy high quality cocoa butter, for example at a health food store or pharmacy, and rub it on your heels every night before bed.

More advice on how to treat cracked heels

Any of the foregoing can make the skin softer. To do this, however, you have to use them regularly over an appropriate period of time.

Foot care

However, the effect of the natural remedies also depends on further foot care. Also, take care of the health of your feet as follows:

  • Keep your feet clean.
  • Soak your feet in lukewarm water after a long, tiring day.
  • Think of your feet as part of your daily beauty care routine and treat them to an exfoliator and moisturizer every now and then .
  • Avoid wearing very tight shoes or shoes that have exposed the skin of the feet to the polluted environment.
  • Do not walk barefoot for long periods of time.
  • Moisturize your feet after you shower. Antimicrobial talc supports the prophylaxis of athlete’s foot.

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