4 Soups To Prevent Flu

These warm soups have a strengthening effect and can also help with tiredness. They also encourage mucus to be expelled. Choose the recipe that you like best.

4 soups to prevent flu

If you have a cold, flu or on cold days, warming soups are ideal. With the right ingredients, these soups can become medicine by providing the organism with valuable vitamins and minerals.

In this post you will find various soup recipes that are very helpful for flu symptoms such as fever, phlegm, tiredness and exhaustion.

Fortifying recipes for soups


Onion soup is a classic. But today we recommend a slightly different recipe that is easy to digest and at the same time has an  expectorant and detoxifying effect.

This soup is seasoned with a pinch of cayenne pepper . This helps to  warm up the body and also has an expectorant effect. 

  1. Lightly roast a sliced ​​onion with a little oil and a pinch of salt, covering the pan to free the liquid. As soon as the onion is soft, pour a glass of vegetable stock and season with a pinch of cayenne pepper.
  2. If you want a creamy soup, you can puree it.

Serve and eat the soup warm.

In addition, you can put half an onion on the bedside table during the night – this has an expectorant effect and clears the airways.


Soup with garlic, millet and seaweed

This soup tastes particularly delicious and is excellent.

Garlic is a natural antibiotic that strengthens the body’s defenses.

Millet is the only alkalizing grain. It is very easy to digest and also helps regulate the acid-base balance.

Algae are rich in minerals and help treat symptoms of flu such as tiredness and fatigue. For example, nori algae, wakame or sea pagetta can be selected.

  1. Fry 3 cloves of garlic with a little oil and add two glasses of stock, millet and seaweed.
  2. Cook everything for 45 minutes.

Celery-carrot-ginger soup

All three ingredients have a cleansing effect and help lower fevers and eliminate toxins. This soup also has a warming effect and is therefore excellent for colds.

  1. Cut the celery and carrots into small pieces. Bring the vegetables to a boil with one and a half glasses of water and a pinch of salt.
  2. Then add two slices of fresh ginger or half a teaspoon of ginger powder.

This broth is very light and can be taken throughout the day. If you want a slightly thicker soup, you can add whole grain rice or oatmeal.

Thyme Egg Soup

This traditional recipe from Catalonia, served in restaurants with meat broth, bread and cheese, is a well-known home remedy. Here, however, we use different ingredients to make a light and easily digestible soup.

Thyme gives the soup an excellent taste and at the same time strengthens the body’s defenses, has an antiseptic effect and relieves coughs. 

  1. Fry a clove of garlic and half an onion, you can also add another type of vegetable (e.g. cabbage, swede, carrots, etc.). Then add 2 glasses of vegetable stock and fresh or dried thyme.
  2. When everything is ready, you can stir in a raw egg into the soup if you like.

This soup tastes spicy and is calming. As soon as you are healthy again, you can enjoy the soup with a toasted bread and cheese.

The pictures were kindly provided by Alan Levine, Chris Campbell and lablascovegmenu.

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