Certain Things Can Only Influence You If You Allow It

We should learn not to be influenced by everything that surrounds us. It’s not about becoming too cold, insensitive people, but rather setting limits and looking at things from a different perspective.

Certain things can only influence you if you let yourself

Depending on the situation and situation, we can be more or less influenced, that is quite normal. However, it is important to set emotional boundaries to prevent unnecessary suffering. Things only affect us when we let them.

Live and let live is a good guide to keep in mind. Try not to let criticism, hidden lies, selfishness, false courtesy, discussions, baseless problems, and other negative things  influence and unbalance you.

Do not hold onto these negative feelings and keep a cool head!

If you let yourself be influenced so much that you are no longer yourself, change your life, or your relationships suffer, you are missing a lot.

Don’t let yourself be tied up and controlled. Accept yourself as you are and decide for yourself who, how or whether you want to be influenced.

Emotions are contagious: protect yourself!


Those who allow themselves too much to be influenced often carry emotional burdens that change the state of mind. While this is very common, it is dangerous.

Daniel Goleman explains this in his book EQ. Emotional intelligence . Almost no one is immune to external influences in certain everyday situations .

  • We cannot escape the behavior of others, it can be positive or negative. After all, more and more people are being infected by this emotional virus.

An example to better understand this situation:

A work colleague is always looking for a fight. He practices criticism, pessimism and disrespect every day, which bothers you and worsens your mood.

In the evening you come home in a bad mood and infect your family with it.

It’s not about blocking everything. We are human, after all, and we usually react emotionally, not cold and numb.

But you have to try to transform  the negative energy. If you protect yourself from this you can maintain your inner balance and this in turn is fundamental for your quality of life.

Your castle of calm


Find your own “castle of calm” inside you. Withdraw to this place of stillness and balance to find harmony.

  • Let the others talk.
  • Let them blaspheme and poison themselves.
  • And let them sink into their chaos.
  • Distance yourself from people who are trying to embitter you and only show you the negative side of life.
  • Find your own calm when these people bombard you with their negative energy because they have nothing else to do.

This castle is not a hiding place, but a place where you become aware of WHO YOU ARE. Criticism and insults are just ambient noise.

When you know who you are and what you are worth, the opinions of others lose their meaning.

I approach things that affect me with dignity


However, using your emotional shield to avoid being swayed by negative things does not mean that you remain passive. You also mustn’t allow yourself to be manipulated or bullied.

  • If you maintain your inner balance, you can better manage situations that are not worthwhile.
  • Examples of this are discussions. Sometimes it is impossible to establish a dialogue with someone because calm communication is not possible and this person never generally agrees with others.
  • Some battles are not worth it. You shouldn’t get yourself to the same level just to conquer ignorance and ultimately lose.

Keep a clear head, your inner balance and your dignity. However, if you feel hurt, you should immediately draw your lines.

If you don’t, the situation can degenerate. You can prove your assertiveness and steadfastness without hurting others. You’re just defending your rights.

Respect is fundamental to pushing others into their limits. Of course, living together is not always easy. But a lot can be achieved with respect, harmony and dignity.

Only you can decide what is important to you and by whom or how you want to be influenced.

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