Everything About The Medicinal Plant Ginger

The medicinal plant ginger has many uses. So it is highly recommended for the treatment of indigestion. Because it stimulates the production of gastric juices. You can also take them after meals. Then it helps to reduce any gas or nausea.

Everything about the medicinal plant ginger

It is really interesting to learn more about the medicinal plant ginger ! Because just using them in the kitchen has many positive effects on your health, and directly on your plate!

This food originally comes from traditional Asian gastronomy. But later, Western cuisine began to appreciate its fruity, sharp taste and its ability to enhance the aromas of the other ingredients.

Apart from that, the medicinal plant ginger is full of good nutrients. These have a very different positive effect on your organism. Here we tell you everything you need to know about it!

Interesting facts about the medicinal plant ginger

It is said that ginger appeared in Southeast Asia over 3,000 years ago. In the 5th century BC this plant was then exported to Central Asia by the Persian King Darius. This in turn obtained the ginger from Indian plantations. There it was grown for marketing in the Middle East.

The first data on the trade in ginger come from Confucius. He also tells how the Phoenicians brought the medicinal plant ginger to the Mediterranean. Later, the trade spread all over the Mediterranean, Red Sea, etc.

It is true that ginger and its various uses fell into oblivion after the time of the Roman Empire. But through the travels of Marco Polo they reached the countries of the American continent and so you can find wild ginger today on the Caribbean islands. Jamaica is currently the main exporter of ginger. And of the highest quality.

Culinary uses of ginger

The medicinal plant ginger

One of the properties of ginger is its ability to enhance flavor. In Asian cuisine, for example, it is also used to mask stronger flavors such as those of seafood and some types of meat. Ginger is primarily used in oriental cuisine as a flavor enhancer in meat, fish or rice dishes, etc. It is also used to prepare countless sauces.

In Western cuisine, the use of this spice is often limited to the dried version, or it is used as a powder. In any case, it gives the dishes a slightly exotic aroma and sometimes a certain spiciness. This is one of the other properties of ginger. In addition, he can be very good for desserts, cakes, desserts, caramelized fruits, sorbets, etc. use.

Use of the medicinal plant ginger for therapeutic purposes

ginger tea

Traditionally , ginger is used for stomach and digestive problems. Because it stimulates the pancreas. So it creates an increase in the production of digestive enzymes. You can also count on the medicinal plant ginger for other complaints. For example with dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea or ulcers.

You can also consume ginger well after you eat it. Because it stimulates the gastric juices and has a calming effect. And it helps to reduce any gas, bloating or nausea. Another property of ginger is its anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it very suitable for use in rheumatic and muscular complaints.

You can also make tea from the medicinal plant ginger. This is one of the most recommended medicinal teas for menstrual pain and colds, or for increased mucus formation due to other diseases. It’s best to drink it hot and mix it with a little lemon and honey. So the ginger tea can help to lower fever and also to alleviate other infections.

How do you prepare a ginger tea?

As I said, you can use ginger as a tea for various ailments. For example, against possible pain during your period. All you need is four or five slices of fresh ginger root (unpeeled). You also add a teaspoon of lemon juice and honey to the hot tea. That’s how it’s done:

  • First you bring the water to a boil and then add the ginger slices.
  • Now let everything simmer for 10-15 minutes. Until the liquid takes on a slightly brownish color.
  • Before drinking, add the lemon juice and honey.

As you can see, the positive properties of the medicinal plant ginger are really very diverse. You can use them in very different ways and for different purposes. So both for cooking and to alleviate health problems.

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