The Super Breakfast For A Day Full Of Energy

With these ingredients you create the very best conditions for an energetic start to the new day

The super breakfast for a day full of energy

Not every breakfast is suitable to provide you with enough and the right energy to start the new day well and to do something good for your health and yourself.

We explain why a good breakfast is so important and which ingredients it must contain so that you can start the day full of energy.

Breakfast = energy = obesity?

A balanced breakfast is the most important and best way to start every new day. From a statistical point of view, people who eat breakfast regularly are leaner than those who skip breakfast.

This is because the body is forced to run in “emergency mode” without breakfast and does not, as is often claimed, fall back on its fat reserves, but runs on an absolute back burner.

The hunger that has accumulated over the day due to reduced calorie intake is unfortunately far too often “balanced out” by taking small snacks in between meals or a dinner that is too lavish due to hunger.

The daily calorie intake is therefore higher, despite a skipped breakfast! It therefore makes sense to take a closer look at the most important meal of the day. And to limit yourself to just five simple and important foods:


Complex carbohydrates for energy

The most important fuel for our muscle engine is and will remain carbohydrates. In the morning “the tank is empty” and it is important to fill it up again before you set off on the “Autobahn” of everyday life with the muscle motor.

The carbohydrates with which our muscle motor can do something in the long term are of course not those from sugar, but the carbohydrates that are found in cereal products. In bread, muesli, breakfast cereals, porridge and pastries.

Dairy products


The body needs carbohydrates, protein and fat in order to be optimally supplied with everything it needs. We don’t have to worry about the fat in our food, the average German citizen ingests too much of it with their food.

However, protein is important and should “not be forgotten” at breakfast. Milk or soy products are ideal here, for example milk or yoghurt with muesli. A low-fat herbal quark on bread or lean cheese or sausage and ham.

If you do not want any animal protein sources, you should use plant-based alternatives, but you should pay attention to their protein content, because not all plant-based “milk products” are as rich in protein as animal ones!


Fruit Vegetable

It would of course be easy to get the breakfast portion of fruit and vegetables in the form of industrially produced juices.

But it is always better to eat fruits and vegetables in their most natural form to ensure that the vitamins and minerals they contain can be optimally absorbed by the body.

If you don’t have time for freshly squeezed juices, you can quickly cut an apple into muesli, a tomato, cucumber slices or radish onto cheese or quark bread. Or you can quickly puree a banana or berry fruit with the hand blender to make a smoothie or milk mix.



In order to stay full for a long time after a balanced breakfast, the fiber content of the meal must be high.

So the blood sugar level rises only slowly. Little insulin is released and the drop in blood sugar level after digestion is flat. Thus gentle and gentle on the organism.

Fiber is the indigestible part of our food. They not only ensure a favorable course in blood sugar levels, but also ensure healthy digestion. The result is a good stool volume and they are said to be helpful in preventing colon cancer.

Studies also suggest that a high-fiber breakfast can even lower cholesterol.

The dietary fiber contained in breakfast “scrubs” the cholesterol that has stuck in the digestive tract from, for example, a high-cholesterol dinner from the intestinal villi. They ensure that not too much cholesterol can be absorbed into the bloodstream at dinner.

Fiber is found in all whole grain products and fruits and vegetables.

So a good idea for breakfast would be wholegrain rolls or wholegrain bread (made from whole grain and not “healthy make-up” with sugar and grains), muesli and fresh fruit, preferably as natural as possible, i.e. with the skin on.


Liquid for more energy

Depending on the ambient temperature and humidity , the body loses up to one liter of water through sweat and breath during sleep.

It is therefore not only important to ventilate your bed and bedroom in the morning. You should also replenish the fluid lost at breakfast.

A “symbolic” cup of coffee in the morning is not enough, however, it should be more! It is advisable to consume at least half a liter of additional liquid for breakfast.

It is ideal to use it to integrate other of the five important breakfast ingredients: a smoothie, for example, covers three ingredients at the same time. Fruit, liquid, and fiber.

If the smoothie with milk or yogurt turns into a mixed milk drink, the fourth ingredient is already “in the box” or in the stomach. All that’s missing is some toast or a wholemeal bread roll and breakfast is perfect in no time!

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