How Important It Is To Break Out Of The Routine

Breaking out of the routine and escaping from everyday life is extremely important. Today we explain to you why you should do this more often.

How important it is to break out of the routine

The more often you manage to break out of the routine and escape everyday life, the better it is for you and your health. Give yourself time off regularly to stay healthy over the long term.

There are no excuses to break out of the routine

You probably think breaking out of the routine is impossible for you. The work, the pile of papers that you even take home from work, your family, the money you love, your household …

You think it is impossible or even insane to break out of the routine in your situation and escape from everyday life. Correct?

But you should do it anyway. Do it before you drown in work and something inside yells that you need a break. Do it before you break down, do it before you can’t anymore.

Neither work nor other people can be more important than you. So take the time to break out of the routine. To you.

Time to break out of the routine

When should I break out?

The more you manage to break out of the routine, the better. When exactly that is, you decide for yourself.

However, it is advisable to set fixed times or dates for which nothing can be changed. Because this time is meant for you, not for your job or your family or your paperwork or your household. Only for you.

It is enough to walk barefoot, take a walk in the forest, ride your bike in the countryside, do something unusual or new for you. It doesn’t have to cost any money or be a vacation trip. The main thing is that you do something that does not correspond to your everyday life.

Time to break out of the routine

Experience “micro-adventures” to break out of the routine!

But what is it that lets you escape from everyday life? There are new environments, new experiences, new experiences. Things that appeal to all of your senses, that no longer receive any new stimuli in everyday life and because of the sheer routine.

Experiences that create new synapses in the brain. Such experiences are also called “micro adventures” and you can experience them on your doorstep:

  • Drive to the terminus of any bus or train line and get to know the area.
  • Just ride your bike straight ahead for an hour, the direction of the compass decides the lot.
  • Spend the night / camp in the garden or on the balcony.
  • Sleep outside the home and drive from there to work (campsite, tent, nature, …).
  • Picnic outdoors instead of dinner at home.
  • Get on the first train and roll the number of stations after which you get off again to explore the area there.
  • Be a tourist in your own city and go on a photo safari or take part in a city tour.
  • Go on a night hike in the forest with a headlamp.
  • Get to know the cuisine of foreign countries by visiting an exotic restaurant.
  • Go to a lecture, concert, exhibition in the evening.

These little escapes from everyday life all work during the week between the end of work and the start of work. You will see how such “adventures” literally clear your head, relax and even make you more conductive the next day.

You’re stuck in the routine trap

Sometimes you may not even know that you are caught in a routine trap. You get up, go to work, you eat, come back from work, watch a little TV, go to bed and the next day everything happens the same.

You do all of this with the autopilot so that you don’t even question whether it’s a routine or not.

The problem with this is that sooner or later you will experience stress. You wake up in a worse mood, you are tired and not at all productive, and you suffer from insomnia. All of this is normal. Hence, routines, which are often overwhelmed and broken from time to time, are very important.

Woman goes on a path

Really switch off to break out of the routine!

What advice can we give you so that you don’t think about work during your short vacation, the micro-adventure on your doorstep ? Look, it’s very simple:

  • Put the phone on airplane mode
  • Do not do housework
  • Don’t go home from work, just start your adventure
  • Be brave and dare to do crazy things
  • If you are not alone: ​​Conversations about work and family are taboo!
  • Take as little as possible with you
  • Don’t set a time limit. The only important thing is to return to work on time the next day.
  • Be spontaneous and flexible
  • Make contact with strangers

The more what you do differs from what you do in everyday life, the easier it is for you to really switch off. Do not worry, everything you will experience clears your head, strengthens your self-confidence and your psyche.

Get started, tomorrow is the first day you manage to break out of the routine. Promised?

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