Correct Handling Of Stress

Complicated or problematic situations can eat you up piece by piece if you don’t know how to deal with them properly. This is why it is important to control stress.

Correct handling of stress

The deal with stress can be very complicated and turn into a vicious circle, which paradoxically causes even more stress.

A little stress is healthy and gives us energy that allows us to overcome difficult situations such as an exam or responsibilities around the house and at work. However, if we experience too much of it and cannot control it, it becomes harmful for us.

Fortunately, there are techniques and habits for dealing with stress so that it doesn’t paralyze us, make us react uncontrollably, trigger feelings of anxiety or even cause health problems.

Problems with the stress

Problems from stress
Stress is our body’s natural response to complicated situations.

Doctor Hans Selye has identified three stages of stress that explain our state when we are exposed to stressful situations.

1. Alarm condition

This is the first answer to a dangerous or difficult situation. At that moment, the heartbeat increases, hormones such as cortisol are released and our body receives a dose of adrenaline to help it respond to the situation.

2. Resistance

After the initial response to stress, it is normal for our body to relax and return to its normal state.

However, if we do not overcome the situation that triggered the stress, then the body remains in a state of alarm and gets used to the high blood pressure and the increased hormone doses.

3. State of excitement

Here the stress becomes chronic and the body runs out of reserves to fight it. At this point you will notice the effects on your emotions and your body through different reactions:

  • exhaustion
  • depression
  • Burnout syndrome
  • Feelings of fear
  • weakened immune system
  • Circulatory and digestive problems

We all experience stressful situations at times, but if we focus on managing stress properly, we can avoid or at least reduce many of its negative consequences.

What is the correct way to deal with stress?

Always stay relaxed
Everyone has to learn to deal with stress in their own way.

The American Psychological Association believes that there are different types of stress and that there is no single method to alleviate it.

Each person has to find their own way. The only thing they all have in common is to find out the cause in order to lessen its influence.

Here are some tips for you:

Remove yourself from the source of the stress for a while

Once you have found out what is causing the stress in you, you should take a little break. It’s not about avoiding a problem that you need to solve. All you need is a little distance to see things from a new perspective.

Do sports

Fitness helps deal with stress
Exercise helps you regulate the physiological processes necessary to deal with stress.

A study of 288 families for over 10 years found that people who exercise were better at dealing with the early stages of stress and experiencing less anxiety than those who were not exercising.

During exercise, different reactions are produced on the body:

  1. Endorphins are released, which are natural sedatives that our own body produces.
  2. The hormonal activity is reduced, so that less cortisol is produced, which stimulates stress.
  3. After exercise, we can sleep better, which is why the body and mind also rest better.

Daily exercise, be it cycling, dancing or walking, therefore helps us deal with stress.

Practice yoga

Yoga is extremely useful for relieving stress. Not only does it have the aforementioned effects of exercise, but it is also antidepressant and anxiolytic, while also calming the mind.

Yoga also promotes concentration, which makes it easier for you to detach yourself from the causes of stress. Find a quiet place where you can practice for a while every day to switch off something.


Meditation relieves stress
Meditation promotes the natural relaxation of body and mind.

Mediation also helps relax the mind and body. By focusing on your breathing, you move away from your problem for a while and find a new perspective.

Try natural antidepressants

Herbal teas such as valerian, green tea or lemon balm also reduce stress.

Do something nice with friends or family

Meeting with friends relieves stress
Spending time with friends or family can reduce stress and worry.

Any activity that distracts you a little from your own thoughts is useful in dealing with stress. If you concentrate on something else for a while, you give your body and mind a little break. If you have fun doing it, then that’s all the better, because laughing helps us to let go of stress.

There are other things you can do to give your mind and body some time off. H ore music, visit new places with your friends, you own such as painting, writing, or hand work on a hobby.

You solve your problems by trying something different.

If none of these tips work for you, it can be a good idea to see a specialist. A therapist is trained to help you manage stress and guide you on the path to overcoming it.

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