What You Can Do With The Avocado Kernel

The avocado kernel can be used in cosmetics and in the kitchen

What to do with the avocado seed

Usually the avocado kernel ends up in the garbage after consuming the avocado, at best in the organic garbage, where it then at least becomes humus. But what else can you do with the core? An amazing amount! We have ideas for you!

Don’t throw away the avocado seed!

The avocado kernel also contains valuable ingredients such as secondary plant substances , essential fatty acids, fiber and more. So it is worthwhile not to dispose of it, but to keep it and use it again!

The avocado originally comes from Mexico and grows on trees up to 15 meters high. Due to its high fat content of 25%, the pulp is nice and creamy.

There are different types of avocado, each with a slightly different taste. For the further use of the avocado kernel, it is irrelevant which type of avocado it is.


Prepare the avocado seeds

There are different ways of using the avocado kernel. If you don’t want to grow a tree out of it, you have to chop it up in order to be able to eat it.

If you want to use it fresh, for example as an ingredient in smoothies, cut it fresh into pieces and add it to your recipes without being dried . Make sure that your blender / mixer has enough power / watt and the knife is sharp enough!

Would you like to use the core to fortify mueslis, cookies or other recipes with fiber? Then you need to dry and crush the core.

Before drying, cut it into large pieces, then let it air dry for at least 2 days, then rub it finely on a kitchen grater.

If you have a coffee grinder, whether electric or not, this is the ideal tool for it! The orange-red discoloration is normal, by the way!

Avocado seeds

Avocado seeds in smoothies

Depending on the variety, the kernel tastes nutty to bitter, so you should make it dependent on the variety used (and the degree of ripeness of the fruit) which smoothi ​​recipe you want to use it with.

The avocado kernel is already listed as an ingredient in some recipe booklets, but you can also add it to your own creations.

  • If it tastes nutty, it goes very well with creamy, wintery creations with banana, apple, grapes or even dried fruit.
  • If it is bitter, it complements recipes with earthy flavors, such as those that include kale and spinach.
  • If you are interested in the appetite-suppressing benefits of bitter substances, choose whole lemons or other citrus fruits as an accompaniment in the mixer or blender.

In any case, it adds a valuable portion of fiber to your smoothies. Dietary fiber not only has a filling effect, it also promotes digestion, protects against colon cancer and is effective against excessive absorption of cholesterol from the intestine.

Fruit cereal

Hearty muesli ingredient

Once you have dried the core and ground it with a kitchen grater, allow it to dry thoroughly again before you store the powder in a screw-top jar.

So you always have it to hand if you want to spice up your muesli for breakfast, for example , to increase the fiber content.

Snappy bread ingredient

In homemade bread, ground avocado kernels provide a varied recipe idea that is bursting with fiber!

Simply add it to the normal dough for bread, rolls, flatbreads or pizza crusts and possibly increase the amount of water a little. This is how you can quickly add more fiber to your baked goods!


Cookies, cakes and pastries

The grated or ground avocado kernel can also be roasted dry in a pan. Alternatively, you can spread it out on the baking sheet and roast it in the oven.

So that you can then e twa half the hazelnuts or walnuts in baking recipes for replacing biscuits, cookies, cookies, cakes and other pastries. Firstly, it is cheaper and, secondly, it is a bit richer in fiber.


The avocado kernel can of course also be used in cosmetics!

You can also use the dried and ground version for this. Simply mix the seed crumbs with a little vegetable oil to make a paste and then use this for a soothing body peeling to remove dead skin!

Avocado seeds

Hand cleaner

Heavily soiled hands after working in the garden or garage are often difficult to get clean.

Hand cleaning paste is available in stores, but it is often made with highly abrasive additives such as sand.

It is more gentle with dried and ground avocado kernels! To do this, simply mix a paste in the palm of your hand with some dishwashing detergent and ground core and use it to rub the dirt off your skin.

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