10 Health-promoting Properties Of Coconut Water

Coconut water consists of 95% water, but also has a large amount of nutrients, such as sugar, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytohormones, which are very useful for our well-being.

10 health benefits of coconut water

Health- promoting properties of coconut water : Various studies show that this drink has antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and can therefore prevent various diseases.

Coconut water consists of 95% water, but it also has a large amount of nutrients, such as sugar, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytohormones, which are very useful for our well-being.

Then you will learn 10 health-promoting properties of coconut water that will astonish you. You too can benefit from the healthy qualities of this natural product!

Properties of coconut water: Prevents dehydration

Coconut water is a natural drink that helps rebuild the water balance in our body. Namely, it contains 5 necessary electrolytes that help to keep the body temperature in balance.

Minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium and phosphorus help improve physical performance and provide a lot of energy. A great alternative to bottled water as it is 100% natural.

Energy for the brain and muscles

Coconut water contains 295 mg of potassium, so 1 glass of coconut water is more nutritious than 1 banana. Potassium regulates the heart rhythm and muscle functions. In addition, the electrolytes promote the functions of the nervous system and neurotransmitters, which improves the ability to perceive.

Against premature aging

Premature aging

Many celebrities take coconut water to prevent premature aging. This is because it contains a group of growth hormones called  cytokinins, which work to slow down the aging of cells.

As shown by studies, coconut water has an anti-aging effect that you can benefit from both externally and internally.

Improves digestion

Another of the properties of coconut water is that it acts as a digestive tonic and is used for tropical diseases (for example dysentery, gastrointestinal flu, constipation or worm infestation).

Thanks to its bioactive enzymes, digestion is promoted. However, too much of a good thing can trigger diarrhea.

Strengthening the immune system

Coconut water contains a high proportion of lauric acid, which helps to strengthen the immune system and to prevent certain diseases. Lauric acid is particularly suitable against Candida albicans and other fungal diseases, against hepatitis C, herpes and HIV.

For urinary tract health

Coconut water has diuretic properties, which can help prevent kidney deposits and improve kidney health.

A Philippine study found that patients who had deposits did not need surgery after taking coconut water for 2 weeks because it had shrunk in size.

Rich in essential nutrients


Coconut water is rich in vitamins of the B group, minerals and trace elements such as zinc, selenium, iodine and sulfur. It also contains amino acids, phytonutrients, and antioxidants that fight free radicals.

Coconut water is low in calories

Coconut water has only 46 kcal per glass and only 1/5 sugar compared to other fruit juices. This drink has a slightly sweet note and is therefore particularly suitable for weight loss diets. This means that soft drinks can be replaced without any worries.

Balancing the acid-base balance

pH values

Coconut water regulates the acid-base balance, which should be slightly alkaline. Acidification can  then cause various chronic diseases.

Cardiovascular health

Coconut water strengthens the heart and also improves circulation. It can also reduce bad LDL cholesterol. In addition, this drink is a good prevention against blood clots.

This is why coconut water can reduce the risk of a heart attack or other heart disease.

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