4 Healthy And Filling Drinks

Milk not only provides protein and minerals, it also has a filling effect, is rich in calcium and therefore strengthens our bones.

4 healthy and filling drinks

Corresponding healthy and filling drinks are part of a healthy diet and lifestyle .

In this post we recommend various, very healthy and filling alternatives for conventional soft drinks with a lot of calories.

These taste delicious and are then suitable for every occasion!

Healthy and filling drinks: Freshly squeezed orange juice

Orange juice contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fiber. In just one glass of this delicious, refreshing drink you will find 0.96 g of fiber, 1.68 g of protein, 175 mg of vitamin C, 18 g of carbohydrates, 0.24 g of fats and only 79 calories.

A cup of coffee


With a cup of coffee, the organism is supplied with proteins, sodium and carbohydrates. This delicious drink is nutritious but also very low in calories.

However, if necessary, low-fat milk and stevia or another natural sweetener should be used instead of sugar.

Vegetable milk

Plant-based milk provides proteins, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates, making it an excellent choice. It also has a filling effect and can curb the appetite for a while.



These drinks are delicious and healthy, and they are also filling. Supporting a weight-loss diet, these should then  be drunk cold.

They contain a lot of fiber as well as water, and therefore improve the digestive function. Other important ingredients are vitamins A, C and E as well as minerals such as selenium, calcium and zinc.

 Recommended shakes

  • Shake made from strawberries and yogurt
  • A shake made from orange and carrot
  • Cucumber and pepper shake
  • And a strawberry and banana shake

Other very healthy and recommended drinks are teas made from aromatic herbs. There is a wide variety of herbs that can then be used depending on your mood.

These taste particularly delicious cold as an iced tea. They also taste fresh and digestible with ice cubes

However, sugar should be avoided, especially to protect heart health and then maintain weight. As is generally known, sugar is harmful to many organs of the body and also very high in calories.

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