Making No Decisions Is Worse Than Being Wrong

If you don’t make decisions, you have to expect that others will make them for you and that you will lose control of your life. You have to take the wheel of your happiness into your own hands.

Making no decisions is worse than being wrong

We spend the whole day making decisions : in the morning we think about what to wear, decide about breakfast, which cosmetic products to buy or which film to watch.

All of these little daily decisions define part of our personality. However, what truly characterizes us are  those great decisions that allow us to take this or that path in life. 

One thing should be clear to us: Those who do not decide for themselves leave their fate in the hands of others or to chance, where one completely loses control over their own life.

While it is true that fear or uncertainty accompanies every decision  , it is better to make mistakes that can be learned from  than to simply do nothing and wait.

In today’s post we invite you to think about these aspects and learn basic strategies to make decisions more effectively and safely.

Choices allow us to live more harmoniously

In our everyday life, we particularly strive for  harmony,  much more than idealized happiness or the achievement of all dreams. 

  • This means acting according to our values ​​and respecting others.
  • Harmony also means building personal relationships based on reciprocity and appreciation.
  • Peace also means harmony, without fears or insecurities.

Then we look at what steps we can take to show personal courage and decision-making ability.

Woman with roses

Learn to distinguish

Discrimination is a psychological ability that we all possess, but we should learn to put it into practice more often.

  • Sometimes we let ourselves be guided by the gray everyday life in which psychological monotony prevails and we stop acting consciously.
  • This neglect causes our thoughts to become rigid and, over time, we see any deviation or change as a danger.
  • Leaving one’s comfort zone creates fear and insecurity. 
  • When we find ourselves in this situation, the best way to learn is to distinguish.
  • This means getting clear about something, discovering the truth. This is exactly what should happen: discover the discontented reality in which we find ourselves.
  • Before we make the right decision, it is advisable to distinguish where exactly we are in our life and to ask ourselves small questions that reveal the reality in which we must act.
  • Here are a few examples of these questions:
    • Do I feel like I am in control of my decisions?
    • Do I feel like I am doing what I really want when I get up in the morning?
    • Do I wish for the future what I have now?
    • Do my fellow human beings take care of my happiness?
Burning plane

In order to be able to make decisions, you have to know where you are going

When you are aware that you need a change,  you should also be clear about where you want to go.

  • Just changing things without a clear goal makes no sense.
  • We have to take responsibility for every action and set goals for ourselves.
  • Before making a big decision, start with “small decisions,” which have small goals that can be achieved day in and day out.
  • An example of one of these goals is that from now on you better assert yourself, say “no” when you feel that way and “yes” when you feel like it.

Small changes also result in improved self-esteem. This way you can build strength and courage to make more important decisions: looking for a new job, moving …

Don’t be afraid of mistakes

One should not be afraid of mistakes, but of the life that has not been lived. Therefore it is important to understand different aspects:

  • Sometimes we look to blame for our own unhappiness that takes our breath away. But in truth  we ourselves are prolonging the uncomfortable situation that  would actually be a thing of the past if we allowed this to happen.
  • We are all responsible for what happens in our minds. If we think that a mistake is a regrettable failure, we can never move forward.
  • A mistake is a new chance to learn something. Those who limit themselves to standing still and not making decisions for fear of making another mistake build walls that separate themselves from their own happiness.
Heart shaped stones

We need to be able to follow our natural intuition. We all have an internal compass that tells us when something should end and when something should start again.

Dare to actually live life the way your heart whispers it to you. Rationalize your fears, strengthen your self-esteem and learn from every stone you find on your way.

Making decisions means living!

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