5 Natural Deodorants Against Unpleasant Body Odors

Before you start trying natural deodorants, you should consult a specialist to find out whether your unpleasant body odors have a medical cause.

5 natural deodorants against unpleasant body odors

You should be particularly vigilant in the case of unpleasant body odors and absolutely get to the bottom of the cause. In addition, today we introduce you to 5 natural deodorants that can be very useful in this case. 

Unpleasant body odors: causes

Most people associate unpleasant body odors with sweat. But sweat does not naturally smell unpleasant.

Bacteria are responsible for the foul smell and  feel particularly comfortable in a warm, humid environment. 

Also the  diet plays an important role.  An unbalanced diet and certain foods also lead to unpleasant odors.

The following factors can also promote unpleasant body odors:

  • menopause
  • a lot of stress
  • diabetes
  • internal parasites (worms, etc.)
  • Kidney disease
  • Fungal attack

5 natural deodorants against unpleasant body odors

If you have very strong, unpleasant body odors, the first thing you should do is get a medical examination. Because a doctor can determine whether a disease or other causes are behind it. 

As soon as serious health problems have been ruled out, you can use natural deodorants. We’ll give you a few useful tips here.

1. Cleansing foods

Natural deodorants and cleansing foods

A balanced, healthy diet is essential to  prevent unpleasant body odors. 

Cleansing foods should not be missing, because they support the elimination of harmful substances. Green leafy vegetables and algae, which contain a lot of chlorophyll, are particularly recommended. 

Discuss diet changes with your doctor or nutritionist first.

2. Sage tea for sweating

Sage has a relaxing effect and regulates body temperature. This can also reduce stress. This will help you avoid sweating. In addition, this tea has a diuretic effect and supports the elimination of harmful substances.


  • 5 sage leaves
  • 250 ml of water


  • You will need 5 sage leaves for each cup of tea.
  • Prepare a liter of tea in the morning, which you can then drink cold or warm during the day.
  • Simply boil the sage leaves in water for 5 minutes, then let them cool, sieve and drink.

3. Bath with black tea

Natural deodorants, bathe in black tea

Nothing counteracts the stress of a long day at work like a hot bath! Bathing in black tea not only helps against body odor. It also relaxes you and lets you calm down.


  • 4 black tea bags (2 tablespoons or 20 g)
  • 2 liters of water


  • Bring all the ingredients to a boil together in a saucepan. Then let it cool down for 5 minutes.
  • Then add the tea to the hot bath water.
  • Now you can enjoy a 20 to 30 minute bath.

4. Homemade mint and rosemary deodorant

This is a classic remedy from Grandma, but it really works. It is a natural deodorant that refreshes the body and makes it smell pleasant.


  • 5 sprigs of rosemary
  • 5 mint leaves
  • 250 ml of water


  • Brew the rosemary and mint with boiling water and then let the infusion cool.
  • Pour through a sieve to remove the solids and then pour into a sealable jar.
  • Apply  the natural deodorant to your armpits after you shower. After that, you should dry yourself off thoroughly.

5. Apple cider vinegar against unpleasant body odors

natural deodorants with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is not only versatile in the kitchen. Its antiseptic effect combats unpleasant body odors, regulates the pH value of the body and eliminates bacteria.

To make a natural deodorant from apple cider vinegar, you can simply dilute it 1: 1 with water.

  • For example, mix 250 ml of water with 250 ml of apple cider vinegar.
  • You can use the deodorant on your feet, hands, or armpits. The best thing to do is to pour the mixture into a spray bottle.

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