The Wonderful Properties Of Lemon And Two Home Remedies

Lemon improves digestion and promotes hepatic functions. Among other things, it promotes the elimination of harmful substances and is helpful in preventing kidney stones. Find out more about this versatile citrus fruit today!

The Wonderful Properties of Lemon and Two Home Remedies

The lemon is one of the most popular citrus fruits, which is particularly valued for its health-promoting properties. In today’s article you will learn more about the many benefits  of lemon  and we will also show you two home remedies that you can easily make with them. 

The wonderful properties of lemon

Lemon is very popular in the kitchen around the world, but it has many other uses as well. The fruit of the aromatic lemon tree from the genus of citrus plants (citrus) originally comes from Asia. But today lemons are cultivated in many tropical and subtropical areas.

One of the wonderful properties of lemon is the high content of vitamin C.  This fruit is also characterized by citric acid and provides potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in considerable quantities.

Lemon is very popular in both sweet and salty dishes and drinks. It is also used to  make water drinkable and to inhibit certain microorganisms. Its leaves are wonderful as a room fragrance and in cupboards, the wood of the tree is also very popular for carpentry.

But do you also know the health-promoting properties of this citrus fruit? Read on to learn more about it.

5 health benefits of lemon

6 health benefits of lemon
Lemon contains antiseptic substances that are very versatile.

1. Lemon antiseptic and disinfectant properties

The refreshing citrus fruit is a natural antiseptic that is suitable for disinfecting wounds. This prevents the spread of harmful microorganisms and at the same time accelerates the healing of the skin.

2. Protection of the cardiovascular system and improved blood flow 

Did you know that lemon can help prevent cardiovascular disease? You supply your organism with important antioxidants that promote heart health and strengthen the walls of the blood vessels. It also improves blood circulation and can reduce blood pressure. Another advantage: this citrus fruit also helps prevent blood clots.

3. Lemons protect the liver, kidneys, bladder and digestive system!

The lemon improves digestion and stimulates hepatic functions. It also removes toxins from the body and prevents the formation of kidney stones. Their nutrients also strengthen the immune system.

4. Lemon for joint pain and inflammation 

Citric acid and other oleic acids have anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effects. This is why  lemon essential oil is perfect for treating tendonitis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, and rheumatism. Plus, consuming lemon helps relieve joint pain!

5. The wonderful properties of lemon for protecting skin, hair and nails

Various components of lemon are very popular in cosmetics. The antioxidant effect of vitamin C promotes cell renewal, the formation of collagens and the fixation of calcium. That is why this fruit is a popular remedy for skin aging and for strengthening the nails and hair. An example: a few drops after washing your hair are sufficient. Then rinse your hair with plenty of water.

Topical use of this citrus brightens, exfoliates and shines the skin. It is a perfect remedy for sallow and oily skin. 

Finally, we have a few home remedies for you so that you can use the beneficial properties of lemon quickly and easily.

Home remedies that will help you take advantage of the wonderful properties of lemon 

Lemon and honey for a sore throat 

"Home remedies,

The flavonoids contained in lemons, which have an antioxidant effect, reduce swelling in the neck area. The honey used for this home recipe also has a decongestant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.


  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 250 ml of water


Bring the water to a boil and pour it over the lemon juice and honey. Stir everything well and use this home remedy when necessary.

Lemons for acne

This mask cleanses your skin very effectively. However, first make  sure that you can tolerate it. Use a small amount of the mask on a less sensitive area to see if this treatment isn’t too harsh for your skin type.


  • 2 tablespoons of clay
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 2 drops of essential mint oil
  • 1 drop of tea tree essential oil


Mix the clay with the lemon juice in a bowl. Then you add the essential oils. Then apply this mask to your forehead, nose and chin and let it work for a few minutes. Then simply rinse off with plenty of lukewarm water.

Use the diverse properties of this citrus fruit not only in the kitchen, but also for your health!

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