4 Quick Face Masks Against Wrinkles

Face masks against wrinkles should work quickly and be easy to prepare. We have 4 recipes for you!

4 quick face masks against wrinkles

You know yourself that anti-wrinkle face masks cannot permanently remove the signs of your age. But it works quite well to cheat away small wrinkles quickly with face masks against wrinkles, so that you look younger for a whole evening.

Wrinkle face masks will cheat you younger

Quick anti-wrinkle face masks are helpful when you want to look fresher and younger quickly. If you have something else to do in the evening and want to look awake, radiant and “wrinkle-free”, it’s not easy. After a long day at work, you look tired, your skin is dry, pale and small wrinkles from dryness show that the day was long.

Try our four face masks, which you can quickly mix together from ingredients from the kitchen!

We start our recommendations with two classics that get by with a single ingredient. But the last two face masks against wrinkles are also quickly and easily mixed from a few ingredients that you should have in stock in your kitchen:

Aloe vera for face masks against wrinkles

Aloe vera face mask

The freshness kick for all skin areas that have lost moisture during the day. Aloe vera is known for its excellent care and healing properties on the skin.

You should either have a plant on the windowsill or a pure (!) Aloe gel at hand, because aloe vera can be used in many ways in skin care. Basically, it donates an incredible amount of moisture.

The thin skin around the eyes is particularly difficult to store and therefore always needs an extra dose of care from the outside. Aloe vera is ideal because it is quickly absorbed, provides natural moisture and does not irritate the mucous membranes in the eye or the sensitive skin around the eye.

If you own an aloe vera in the garden, winter garden or on the balcony, you can make a great moisturizing mask yourself.

To do this, cut off a piece of the thick-fleshed leaf and carefully peel off the hard, green outer skin. The resulting light green jelly-like core is the part of the aloe vera that contains the active ingredients that your skin is waiting for.

Now cut thin slices of the aloe piece with a large knife and place them over your face. Let it sit there for at least a quarter of an hour.

The evaporation also creates a refreshing coolness on your skin. Your face will shine fresh and rosy afterwards! Simply wash off with cold, clear water. If you don’t have an aloe plant, you can of course also buy 100% aloe gel in the pharmacy and use it as a moisturizing mask.

Cucumber for face masks against wrinkles

Cucumber face mask

Especially in summer this is a refreshing face mask that makes your skin shine youthfully! Cucumbers provide rich moisture and supply the skin with external minerals.

A cucumber mask is a classic among moisturizing masks. Oily skin in particular needs to be supplied with moisture and not with additional fat.

Puree a piece of cucumber into a very fine pulp, like a smoothie or thick juice. This works best with a hand blender or stand mixer / blender.

If you remove the watery part of the cucumber that contains the seeds before pureeing, you will get a more spreadable texture. Spread the cucumber purée on your face and let it sit there for at least 15 minutes. Wash off with cold, clear water.

Yogurt and oatmeal for anti-wrinkle face masks

Yogurt mask

Yoghurt contains lactic acid which helps to soften the top layers of the skin and to remove them when the face is peeled or rubbed off. This makes your skin look fresher and rosier, because dead skin cells no longer make the skin look gray and sallow.

Lactic acid is found in many dairy products, but especially in yogurt, sour cream, sour milk, sour cream, sour milk, kefir and buttermilk. So if you don’t have yogurt on hand, another of the dairy products mentioned will do the same.

The acid also swells the upper layer of the skin a little, which plumps up small wrinkles. In addition, the evaporation of the water contained in the yoghurt ensures cooling and swelling of puffy eye contours.

The edible oil nourishes and works against wrinkles caused by dryness. You need:

  • A dairy product that is rich in lactic acid (yogurt, sour cream, sour milk, sour cream, sour milk, kefir, or buttermilk)
  • A splash of cooking oil

Mix both ingredients together and apply the resulting mask to your face at least as thick as the back of a knife. Make sure the dairy product comes out of the refrigerator and is appropriately cold.

Let this mask work as long as you have time, but no more than half an hour.

Avocado for face masks against wrinkles

Avocado mask

Due to its high-quality fats and the rich content of vitamins and minerals, the avocado is ideally suited to give the skin care and moisture. Theoretically, it is enough to mash the pulp with a fork into a fine pulp and leave it on the face for about 15 minutes.

The face mask becomes even more nutritious through additional moisture for the skin if you mix some honey and / or yoghurt into the porridge. Rinse off with plenty of clear water after about 15 minutes.

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